The Battle For Narnia

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Gryphon: They come, you highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own. Oreius: Numbers do not win a battle. Peter: No, but I bet they help. Arrival of the Witch's army. White Witch: I take no interest in prisoners. Kill them all Army charges, gryphons attack.

Otman: Look to the sky. Peter: Are you with me? Oreius: To the death! Peter & Percy: For Narnia, and For Aslan!!!! Peter & Percy's Charge Begins. (Back to the girls at the Stone Table) Lucy, Susan and Hazel wake up.

Susan: We should go. Lucy: I'm so cold. They start walking away...Stone Table cracks Lucy: Susan! Hazel! Susan: What have they done? Aslan appears, sending shivers down everyone's spine! Susan, Lucy and Hazel: Aslan! Aslan laughs. Susan: We saw the Witch, the knife.

Aslan: If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic a little differently. For she would know that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table would crack and death itself would begin to unwind.

Susan: We sent the word that you were dead. Peter, Percy, Hermione and Edmund would have gone to war. Lucy: (draws knife) We have to help them. Aslan: We will, but not alone. Now, climb on my back. We have a long way to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears. Roar!!!!

Peter: Fall back! Draw them to the rocks! Beaver: That's the signal! Get ready! Edmund: Fire! Swish! Bang! Grunt! Crash! Clash! Roar! Aaaahhh!!! Ouch! Peter falls off his horse. Oreius and the rhino charge Peter: Stop! They don't. Witch ducks attack, parries blades, spins her wand and turns Oreius to stone.

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