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This Ole Boy // I'll Quit Lovin' You - HARDY

Dani wakes up with an arm around her waist, rubbing her eyes as she looks around the room. Michael is sleeping hard next to her, his glasses still on his face. She smiles as she turns to face him, takes his glasses off to set them on the nightstand and scoots closer to his chest, he subconsciously pulls her against him. She rests her head on his chest as dozes back off.

Hardy wakes up next, smiling at the sleeping girl in his arms. He sighs softly as he runs his fingers through her hair and rubs her back. She hums and stirs, stretching her arms and legs. "Mornin' baby." He grins.

"Mornin'. Sorry I fell asleep." She lays on her back and yawns.

"No worries, darlin', I don't mind at all." Hardy says as he copies her, rubbing his eyes. "How're you feelin'?"

"I'm okay." She whispers, forcing back tears.

"We talked 'bout this last night, baby, you don't have to put on a brave face if you don't want to." She nods as she starts crying again, he's quick to wrap his arms around her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He rubs her back again, kissing the top of her head. She looks up at him, her eyes landing on his lips as she leans closer, her thumb running across them lightly. His eyes flutter as he moves her hand, his own sliding to her neck as he pulls her to kiss him. She kisses him back, adjusting herself to get more comfortable as Hardy kisses her hard, his tongue sliding into her mouth before she pulls away. "What?"

"Morgan-" she looks down at her engagement ring. "We're still together." He sighs heavily, pushing his growing hair out of his face.

"Fine, okay." He sits up and puts his glasses back on. "You're right..." she zones out as she watches him talk, leaning on suddenly to kiss him again, holding the side of his neck. He guides her to straddle his lap as he starts to tug on her shirt before holding onto her waist. She pulls her shirt off, leaving her in just a bra and pants.

"No, I can't-" Hardy is still kissing her neck and chest. "I'm engaged and I just lost a baby so I'm feelin' a lot of different emotions right now." She sighs heavily, gently holding his hand as she fiddles with his fingers. "I'm a mess right now." He nods and hands her shirt back. "Thank you."

"Do you need anything then?" She shakes her head as she slides off of him, laying on her side next to him. He stays silent, looking up at his ceiling, his heart beating hard in his chest as the girl he loves lays next to him.


"Daniella?" Morgan whispers into his phone. "Baby, come back."

"I don't know, Morgan." She responds, sitting on the couch in Hardy's apartment. "You yelled at me."

"I know and I'm so sorry." He takes a deep breath. "There was a lot goin' on, y'know? My first tour ended all of a sudden, I got arrested-"

"For public intoxication and disorderly conduct; fightin'."

He rolls his eyes. "Then we lost our baby. It just happened all at once, it was hard to handle."

"So you took it out on me!? You screamin' at me helped you handle the situation!?"

"No, I didn't know how to handle it!"

"I don't want to be around you if you're gonna scream at me when somethin' bad happens."

"What're you sayin'?"

"I think we need a break." She whispers shakily. "Just for a little while, okay?"

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