Twenty Six

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The following month, Daniella tells Morgan's family to come over for a party, a family get together. Caleigh helps Dani decorate, some cute little baby things thrown in the mix.
"I'm so excited for you guys." Caleigh grins as she tapes streamers up across the walkway. "Have you guys picked names yet?"

"Not really. We've thrown ideas out but nothing really stuck." She says as she tosses a couple of casseroles in the oven. "Morgan's real excited."

"I bet." She chuckles. "Michael and Morgan are back."

"Shit." Daniella wipes her hands with a dish towel before heading to the door. "Hey, Hardy wait here." She grabs Morgan's hand and pulls him inside. "I still have to change. Does he know yet?"

"Hardy?" She nods. "No."

Dani turns and opens the door. "Hey Hardy, I'm pregnant." She closes the door then runs upstairs.

"What!?" He shouts, swinging the door open. "Since when!?"

"Few months!" She shouts back from the bedroom. "That's why we're having a party, darlin'!"

"What the hell? Why are we the last to know?"

"Oh I've know." Caleigh gives Hardy a shit eating grin. "Whoops."

"What? Morgan-"

"I, uh, be right there, Dani!" He shuffles to the bedroom. "Yikes." He giggles as he sits on the bed. "So whatcha wearin'?"

"This." She says as she opens the bathroom door. She's in a long tight dress that hugs her figure with a long sweater. "What d'ya think?"

"Beautiful." He stands and runs his hand along the baby bump. "You're a sexy momma." He winks, she rolls her eyes.

"Hey, people are startin' to show up." Hardy knocks on the door.

"We'll be right out." Morgan answers, taking Dani's hand to lead her out to the living room.

"Hey y'all!" She greets, her sweater pulled around her. "Thanks for comin'."

"Sure." Lesli smiles, setting a dish down on the kitchen counter. "What's this for anyway?"

"It's just nice to have everyone together." She simply says. "Family, y'know?" Dani fiddles with a few plates before turning to the fridge to grab Hardy a beer and Morgan a glass of iced tea. "Here y'all go." She kisses Morgan's cheek.

"You're pregnant." Lesli says, Morgan and Dani freeze. "Well?"


"You are? Really?"

"I am." Her hand goes her the bump. "Got a baby in there." She chuckles.

"Hey y'all, we have an announcement." Morgan stands, his sweaty hand tight around his wife's. "Dani's pregnant." He tells everyone, their family cheers and claps for them.

"Congrats y'all!" His father says, giving them a hug. "When are you due?"

"Sometime in February." She responds, smiling as Morgan puts his hand against her belly.

"Do you know the sex yet?"

"Uh." The couple look at each other. "Yes, but y'all are gonna have to wait 'til February." Morgan and Dani chuckle with each other, her hand going to his chest.

"Well congrats y'all." His dad smiles, hugging them before walking away. Dani and Morgan share another smile before the separate to chat with their guests. 


Daniella lays next to Morgan in their bed, she's exhausted. "Hey." She whispers, looking over at him. "Do you have any names you've been thinking about?"

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