7. Leftovers

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I make my way to the science building for our anatomy lecture nearly twenty minutes early so I can secure my seat next to Olivia, because I know rat boy will try his hardest to make it to class before me and take my seat. I'm relieved when I walk into the large lecture hall and hardly anyone is there, only a handful of people.

I take a seat in the same spot as last time, making myself comfortable in my chair while waiting for Olivia to walk through the door. Not even five minutes later, Olivia walks through the large double doors with Delilah, both girls giggling about something as they make their way in.

"Hey, Finch." I smile, pulling out her chair for her.

"Hey." She smiles warmly, thanking me while shrugging off her backpack. 

Once Delilah and Olivia are situated in their seats, Delilah leans in over the desk top to look at me. "I heard Olivia found another ride home yesterday," she says, eyes gleaming with interest.

"Yeah. I couldn't have her sitting in the library for three hours bored out of her mind," I tease.

Delilah grins, and suddenly I feel my chair jerk. I just catch rat boy walking by, deliberately but discreetly kicking the leg of my chair, thinking it'll actually do something to rattle me. To teach the little twerp a lesson and scare him a bit, I abruptly scoot my chair back, causing him to trip over the second leg of my chair at the last second, giving me a sense of satisfaction.

"Oops, sorry," I lamely apologize as he regains his balance, shooting me a death glare.

"So you guys ended up having a lot of fun last night?" Delilah continues, her voice playfully suggestive and eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Delilah," Olivia scolds her friend in a low, warning tone, shooting her a look that doesn't seem to faze Delilah one bit.

I chuckle. "Yeah, her dad makes a mean lasagna."

Olivia gives me a soft, appreciative smile for not taking Delilah's teasing implication to heart.

"Wait," rat boy cuts in. "You two hung out last night?"

Olivia flushes while I speak up. "I drove her home and stayed for dinner," I inform him, trying my best to hold back the smug tone in my voice.

He shoots me another glare before swinging his gaze to a clearly uncomfortable Olivia. "I could have driven you home yesterday. Why didn't you call me?" he asks a little too sternly, making me involuntarily clinch my fists. Who the fuck does he think he is?

Olivia shrugs, refusing to look at him. "Bronx was right there and offered first."

His beady little eyes turn to slits, clearly unpleased with her answer. "Why didn't you drive her home?" he snaps to Delilah, his tone accusing.

Still unfazed, but now slightly irritated, Delilah turns to him with a bland expression. "I had something come up last minute," she explains vaguely, pissing him off further.

"Next time you need a ride, call me," he tells Olivia, his tone more of a demand than a polite request.

I drape my arm over the back of Olivia's chair, hoping to give this kid an aneurism since he's being a total asshole. "She can call whomever she wants," I shoot back calmly, despite feeling anything but calm, irritation vibrating in my veins.

This kid is getting on my last nerve. I get that he probably has a huge crush on Olivia, but that doesn't give him the right to act like he owns her. Unless he's her boyfriend. I never really considered that a possibility. But with how uncomfortable she seems around him at times, I highly doubt it. And even if he was her boyfriend, she can do whatever the hell she wants.

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