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        I couldn't help but grin when I told Jada that we were going to try to get into the cafeteria. Shamar had agreed to my plan to take control of it. The plan would also involve testing the corpies (heh, I like that name); for example, whether they were sensitive to sounds or smell. So, it would be a win-win! Well...unless some of us happened to become corpy food. That would kinda suck.

My plan was for four of us to get off the roof (quietly); two go into Mr. M's unlocked room and, carefully, search for anything to defend ourselves quietly such as letter openers or scissors. Then the two people would gather wet paper towels for the corpy test/distraction. We'd throw the paper towels at the corpies to test if they are sensitive to touch. We would also get a triangle from Mr. M's music cabinet and throw it a couple feet away from the corpies to test their sensitivity to sound. The other two people would sneak around the corpies and into the cafe. There wouldn't be any corpies in there because the doors haven't been open since seventh-grade lunch. In there, they could gather food and other things we might need.

"Oh! And maybe we can use the clothes from the lost and found for makeshift blankets or something! Oh oh! We could also use our lockers to store the food and keep other important stuff safe!" I said, pointing down to gesture the locker rooms below us.

"That's actually a pretty good idea." Shamar said behind me, causing me to jump slightly. I turned so I could face both Jada and Shamar, and the now approaching Robert.


Shamar and I said 'sup' in unison while Jada gave a polite nod.

"Heh, maybe we could even make molotovs..." I could feel the destructive glint in my eyes and a wide grin spread on my face.

"What?" Shamar laughed, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

Robert chuckled, "I have a lighter so we could totally do it." He said while brandishing a small lighter, maybe the size of an eraser.

"You brought a lighter to school? Stupid." Shamar dragged out the 'i' making it sound more like 'stupiiid' while he poked Robert's chest. Jada gave me a quizzical look.

"A molotov, "I began explaining, "is this type of explosive thing. You get a bottle, put some alcohol inside, put half of a piece of cloth in the bottle, and then light the end on fire. If you throw it, it makes an explosion of fire and destruction."

Jada nodded her head, "I get it." She said, "Where ever the alcohol splashes, catches on fire because of that one piece of cloth that's lit." I could almost see the gears working in her brain. I couldn't help but smile.


"Well I don't know about molotovs, but we should probably go through with this plan. Hungry people tend to get a little grouchy." Shamar said with his authority-like tone, throwing an arm over both mine and Jada's shoulders.

"Right. So, who's gonna go?" I questioned.

"Well, it was your plan. So you should probably choose whose going." Shamar pointed out.

"True, true. Alrighty, I want to go for sure, and I was thinking maybe you, Robert, and Joe. Joe and I could be partners and you and Robert could be partners. I don't think we'll need the whole kill squad since its such a small mission. Is that cool?"

"Sounds good to me; let's go then?" Shamar said while holding out his fist for me.

"Let's go."


Joe hopped off the electric box, followed by Robert and Shamar. I peered around the corner of the small building. No corpies anywhere in sight, lucky for us. I motioned for the boys to follow me, and brought a finger in front of my lips signaling them to be quiet from this point on. We reached the door: locked. I just had to jinx us, didn't I? The image of Mr. M's corpse behind us made me shiver. Wait, his corpse...his keys were on him still.

Stability (by D&N)Where stories live. Discover now