How to Procounce the things

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There will be some non-English words in the story so here is how to pronounce the first of them so we can start speaking the same language :)
Alaecriz Phaeidra: Al-ay-cris Fey-dra
Naveita Atohno: Navi-taa At-o-no
Pouella Daemonium: Pu-ella Day-moan-ee-um
Fergus Civatem: Frey-goos Siva-t-em
Nucteques: Nuk-teh-kwes
Bluateou: Blue-aa-toe
We will add more pronunciations as the story goes on so if you find a word and you want to know how to say it in your head or if you need to roll an r just look back here and hopefully you'll find it.
Enjoy the story :D
Love from Insanely_Belgian and me, volatileDreamer <3

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