Chapter 4: Back to School

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Authors note:

Hey guys, sorry that I haven't published in a while, I've been quite busy and not really feeling up to it. I also would like to apologise for all the bad spelling mistakes in the previous chapters, I re-read it and was absolutely cringing, realising I hadn't done a proof read! Feel free to leave comments on what you think of the books so far and oops sorry again and enjoy the next chapter!

Annie's pov:

Today is my first day back at school since the accident. I'm so terribly nervous I think my teeth might start chattering for Gods sake. First day of junior year, the first day since the car crash, the day where everyone is going to be giving me unwanted attention. It isn't going to help that Ty is going to be by my side, as he's supposed to be helping me, which will look very weird if you aren't a friend our ours. Oh god these next few weeks are going to be kind of awkward.

Walking into school with Ty and Kyle by my side, it's like all eyes seem to turn to us. I turn to right to go down a hallway feeling very self conscious grabbing Ty by his shirt almost dragging him with me when Nellie comes skipping up to Kyle with a bright smile on her face that seems to spread onto Kyles face aswell, I'm happy for him. I turn and keep dragging Ty with starting to head to 1st period.

The day has gone alright Ty and I keep light chatter and nothing is too tense. We are heading to 5th as at the end of the corridor guess who turn to look straight at us, yep Cece. I turn to walk the way we came as quickly as I can with my crutches as Ty looks at me and furrows his eyebrows giving me a confused look.

"Tylerrr" a voice rings out as he turns to look at the way it comes. Ty sighs and mutters something under his breath at which I then give him a confused look but before I can ask him Cece comes up to him and gives him a hug and forces her lips to his just as Ty gives a surprised look. She pulls a way "hey babyy" she drones and stand right in front of me as if she'd never realised my existence.

I sigh and turn to walk away but Ty heard my crutches on my ground he looks to me and tells me to wait but I don't want to deal with Cece today to I just shout back over my shoulder "sorry I've got to go, I don't want to be late to 5th"
I continue walking and hear Ty talking to Cece behind me.
"I need to talk to you privately tomorrow" Ty states seriously.
"But why baby I'm talking to you now" I hear Cece whine.
I scoff to myself then turn into my period 5th class settling down in my seat next to Simon whispering a "hey" before turning and getting on with my work.

It's the end of 5th and time to go home, me and Simon chatted a bit about his summer and other thing when I go to walk out of class but jump as Ty Stand at the side of the door, scaring me.
"Sorry and here's you backpack you left it with me when you walked away earlier"
"Thanks, yeah I just ended up borrowing paper and pens from Simon"
"Hmm" he says frowning as we head out of school beginning to walk home.

Just when we get outside of my house he turns and looks at me as I say
"Thanks for walking me home and- what was that thing about Cece?"
He stays silent for a second as if debating wether to tell me or not as he says "nothing really I'll tell you another time I'm just really tired" he starts walking off with out saying anything as I walk up to my door unlocking it and muttering "bye then" and the slamming the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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