Chapter 3

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Oliver and Barry returned to where the rest of the team was waiting for them and everyone saw that they had Black Siren with them, and she was wearing her Black Siren suit except she was wearing a mask now.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Caitlin said.

"She's fine. She worked with us right up to the Crisis the last time around. She has turned herself around." Oliver said.

"If you say so." Caitlin said.

"Well look at you. My doppelganger is alive and well and wearing my suit." Black Siren said.

"We can get you a new suit if you want. Cisco can work that up while we are working here." Barry said.

"Thanks. I would like that. So, what is the plan here?" Black Siren asked.

"We are here to find the heroes of this earth and their families and then we are leaving. We are trying to build up an army." Oliver said.

"Sounds good. Who are the kids?" Black Siren asked.

"These are the heroes of this city. They are a little younger than I thought they were going to be, but they have defeated their enemy." Laurel said.

"Ok, so we aren't going to call you Black Siren. What do you want to be called?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I guess I could go by Dinah. How is she by the way?" Dinah asked.

"Don't know. We didn't have any use for her, so we never asked her or Curtis to join the team." Oliver said.

"Makes since. So, let's get ready for this fight." Dinah said as they all conjured their suits.

"Wow, that's different. Will mine be like that too?" Dinah asked and Oliver nodded.

As everyone was getting ready the sky turned red and they knew that it was time to fight until Pat got back with their families. The tower rose from the ground and Oliver looked at the team and said, "Anyone who can fly take the top of the tower, the rest of us will stop them from taking down the tower from the ground."

Everyone nodded and did what he said. A breach opened and all of the kids from Earth Prime came to join the fight. Mia, Conner, and Olivia took their place at their parents' side. Oliver, Mia and Conner were shooting arrow as quick as they could at the shadow demons. Laurel, Dinah, and Olivia were using their Batons and their Canary Cries. Dawn was now helping Barry as they sped around and were taking out shadow demons. Kara, Karen, Kal and Jonathan were up in the air taking care of the upper part of the tower.

Stargirl's team was were trying to help out as much as they could. Courtney was helping in the air and on the ground while Rick and Yolanda were fighting along side Laurel. Beth had gone inside the tower to see if there was a way to make it stay active for any longer with her googles.

"Pat, you need to get back here as soon as possible. I don't know how much longer we can hold these things off." Courtney said.

"I have everyone, and we are on our way back now. We will be there in five minutes." Pat said.

"Pat said that they were on their way here now. He said that they needed five minutes." Courtney said to Oliver.

"Ok everyone, we need to hold out for another five minutes. Once the families get here, we will leave." Oliver said.

Five minutes later the families had shown up and they all looked at Oliver to see what they were supposed to do now. Oliver's eyes glowed green and all of a sudden everyone was back on Earth Prime.

"What just happened there. I have never seen anything like that." Pat said.

"Your earth has just come to an end. You can live here for a while, but the same thing will try to happen here. That Is why we need to build an army that will be able to help us save as many other earth's as possible." Oliver said.

"What do you mean by other earth's?" Courtney's mother asked.

"You see this is just one earth of infinite earths in the multiverse. This earth is at the center of them all, which means that it will be the last to go if we can't stop the Crisis that is upon us." Oliver said.

"I don't understand this so, I am just going to believe what you are saying." Courtney's mother said.

"it's probably for the best." Oliver said as he went off to see what else was going on.

"Hey Dinah, I called Cisco while we were gone, and he made you a new suit. He just needs to know what color you want though." Barry said.

"I guess now is the time to be different if I want to, so I want it to be silver. I want to be known as Silver Canary." Dinah said.

"I like it. It has a nice ring to it. I will let Cisco know. He will be done with it in fifteen minutes." Barry said and Dinah nodded.

"Ok, so what do we need to do now?" Laurel asked.

"We need to find a Wave Rider; someone needs to go to earth 167 to get the heroes from there. Also, someone needs to go to earth 99 and earth 16.

"Ok Sara, you and Lyla go and get a Wave Rider, Kara and Thea, go to earth 167 and get their heroes, Clark and Lois go to earth 99, and Laurel and I will go to earth 16.

"What do the rest of us do?" Roy asked.

"Stay here and keep this earth safe while we are gone. We shouldn't be to long. Once we are back, I will get in touch with Talia and Nyssa and see where they are located. They should be here soon. Once we get back, we should be ready to do some damage to the Anti-Monitor, or at least I hope we are." Oliver said.

The groups then went to their separate earths to get the heroes that they were sent there to get.

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