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We landed in LA at around three o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining magnificently, I could see the light breeze swaying through the trees. 

"We made it didn't we Isla." Zach came up beside me and put his arm around my shoulder, 

"Yeah, we did," I smiled and looked around the airport, "We really have-" I started.

"I totally thought we were going to die up there, that turbulence freaked me out." Zach bent over, and started laughing, "but yeah, with music I guess we're doing pretty good too." 

I look over at Zach and push him off, he stumbles a bit and almost trips over a little girl. The mother shoots Zach a dirty look and pulls her daughter away.

"Sorry about that ma'am." Zach puts his hands out and bends his knees, the woman nods her head and walks over. I see her lean over and whisper something to her daughter, then look back to Zach and me. 

"Guys. We made it." I hear Jordan yell from the baggage claim area, 

"Yeah we did, we-" I smile, thinking me and Jordan were on the same page

"I totally thought we were going to die up there." I glare at Jordan, Zach agrees with him. 

Mitch comes out of the bathroom and stands beside the rest of the boys. We wait for our bags and then head out to the loading area. we wait for a car and a man steps out, "The Great Escape I presume?" We nod our heads, "Come with me, I'm here to bring you all to the recording studio. Our producers are wanting to get started right away." I do a little jump and hand the man my bags. 

I look out the windows at all the palm trees. I see the cars, the people. There was even a man in a clown suit waving at people. 

We pulled up to a tall building, there were windows everywhere, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! 

The lobby was lined with red carpets, there were directors chairs, golden and platinum records lining the walls and business suit people everywhere! I sit with the boys in the lobby, none of us are speaking, I'm shaking my foot, Jordan is tapping on his armrest, Mitch and Zach are having a thumb war. 

"Isla, Jordan, Zachary, and Mitchell?" We snap our heads towards the voice, "Please, follow me." We look at each other and smile, 

"This is it, boys, let's do this thing!"


good afternoon everyone, welcome back! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

-Penguin 2902 

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