Long Days

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The day had been dragged out and the hours seemed to be longer than normal. The customers Kazuichi dealt with were rude and snippy, nitpicking him over the occasional stutter in his speech, or the fact that his sleeves were rolled up at different lengths. Each time, he'd gotten closer and closer to snapping.

Of course, the universe seemed to hate the mechanic that day, so it began pouring after his shift had ended. He'd forgotten his umbrella and needed to walk home since the busses weren't running that day, unable to simply drive home thanks to his motion sickness. He'd tried everything at this point, but every trick in the book never did him any good.

He's starting to regret that he forget his phone at home. At least then, he could call for a ride.

Guess he's going to need to change once he got home.

Kazuichi took a deep breath before stepping into the downpour, adjusting his beanie as he speedwalked down the street. No matter how fast he went, it was a fifteen-minute walk. There was no avoiding getting drenched.

The walk seemed worse than the rest of his day. He tripped, resulting in his beanie falling off and landing in a mud puddle. Someone was speeding on one of the streets he was walking on, driving through a puddle and splashing water on him. To add to all of this, it turned out his beanie had a hole in it.

And, of course, to top it all? He is freezing. Sure, the rain on its own wasn't bad, but because his beanie is now soaked in mud and the car soaked him from the waist below, he's pretty fucking cold. Plus, the wind is starting to pick up. He could feel his teeth starting to chatter, the cold sinking into his bones as he struggled to pick up his feet to make the next step.

Just... lovely.

Kazuichi felt exhausted by the time he was standing in front of his home, drenched and nearly in tears. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket with a trembling, cold hand, missing a few times before slotting them into the lock and turning. His tense muscles relaxed as he stepped inside the warm apartment, taking a deep breath and just soaking in the feeling of being home. He's glad they never invested in adding carpeting, he wouldn't wanna clean it after a day like this.

Kazuichi was quick to take off his waterlogged shoes and socks at the door, hearing footsteps coming towards the entrance hallway. Gundham. Guess his boyfriend got off work early. He lifted his head, wondering what his lover would think of his disheveled appearance. He heard his voice before he saw him.

"My Dark Prince! I have news I believe you should- ..Kazuichi?"

Kazuichi watched as Gundham's happy face was replaced with that of worry, feeling his stomach twist into knots as a feeling of guilt washed over him. He couldn't muster up a smile, just sighing as the tears began to fall. "It's.. It's been a long day. Babe, can ya g-grab some towels? Please..?"

His boyfriend nodded, immediately rushing from the room as a soft meow could be heard. Molly. Or, if you want to call her by her full name, Mistress Octavia Lunar-Y. He knelt down, gently petting the Maine-Coon with a damp hand. She always seemed to know how to cheer him up on a shitty day, and he's willing to take it, even at the cost of getting fur stuck to his hand.

It wasn't long until footsteps could be heard once more, moving much quicker than before. When the mechanic looked up, Gundham was already gently wrapping two towels around his shoulders, helping him up and to the bathroom. "Come now, my Paramour- A shower shall warm your soul while I prepare drinks that would make even the gods envy my skills!"

A shower.. Yeah, that sounds nice.


When Kazuichi exited the shower, he felt significantly better. The feeling of hot water running down his skin was practically heaven, the aching of his muscles slowly fading away and simply leaving him sore. He'll take that over the pain he dealt with before. At least he has work off tomorrow, he could sleep in. Or, well- Sleep in if Molly doesn't decide to jump on his chest at eight in the morning. He wasn't too happy with her, especially considering the fact it was because she could just barely see the bottom of her food dish.

He rubbed his eyes, feltthe exhaustion sink in. This was a different type of exhaustion than before; Before, he had to keep pushing. Had to keep his eyes open, keep being nice, keep pushing because the day wasn't over yet, but now that it was done? This was the exhaustion that he was allowed to feel, he could just sink into the comfort of blankets and relax.

So, he grabbed a towel and dried off. He's ready to go and hang out with his boyfriend.

He was quick to get dressed in the comfiest clothes he could find. Of course, what are the comfiest clothes he can wear? Gundham's clothes. Kazuichi is sure he has a plenty good enough excuse to steal them for the night. So, soon enough, he was bundled up in Gundham's clothing. Or, well, besides his boxers. He doesn't feel like explaining his boyfriend's strange underwear, and for the most part, chooses not to question it.

When he left their shared room, the smell of freshly brewed mint tea wafted throughout the house. He could also smell cinnamon rolls, which was a nice added touch. He really likes cinnamon rolls, as random as it may seem. His mom made them a lot before she died, sometimes Kazuichi and his dad could join in on the fun. Those were good memories.

"Ah- My Dearest Kazuichi! I have prepared foods to your liking to soothe your soul! I also have your favorite movie ready to be played." Gundham's voice boomed as he entered the room, but the mechanic couldn't help but smile. It's a sign that he is home, safe from the idiots of the outside world.

He didn't speak in response; he walked over and gave his Beloved a tight hug. He buried his face in the crook of Gundham's neck, arms wrapped snug around his waist. Underneath the smell of animals, he manages to smell like old books and a cup of tea. It's soothing.. "Mm.. thank you. You're the best."

Kazucihi couldn't help but smile as he felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around him, holding him close as the two simply enjoyed the moment. It was simple, but.. Sometimes the simple moments are the most needed.

They carefully separated from the hug, but not before Kazuichi got a much-needed forehead kiss. The two carefully transported a small plate of miniature cinnamon rolls, perfect for snacking, along with two cups of tea. It's simple but comforting.

Once the plate and cups were placed on the table, the two snuggled up on the couch. They seemed to have a routine with this, and a well-practiced one at that. Gundham sat down first, one arm resting on the back of the couch while the other was reaching for a nearby blanket. Kazuichi soon after sat down next to him, snuggling up to his side remote in hand and head resting against his Lover's shoulder. Soon enough, the blanket was laid over his lap, and the arm once resting on the back of the couch was now wrapped snug around him. Perfect.

Once the movie was playing, the remote was set aside, and the pain of the day faded into the background. Kazuichi couldn't help but nuzzle his head against Gundham, eyes partly closing as the rest of his exhaustion hit him. He struggled to keep his eyes open, the comfort of his Lover paired with the warmth helping soothe away his anxieties.

Maybe he can just close his eyes for a few minutes. Not sleep! Just.. resting his eyes.

He ended up sleeping through the entire movie, Gundham didn't dare to disturb his Dark Prince. He's earned a moment of peace..

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