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Lupus and Albus run down to the Great Hall to find the school and teachers fighting thousands of Death Eaters. Albus sees Lily Luna fighting off Pansy Parkinson and he turns to Lupus "Stupefy" Albus yells then runs to Lily.
"Lily, what's happening?" Albus says after casting a spell on Pansy making her fly backward.
"All of a sudden death eaters start flying in, I can't find mom and dad!" cried Lily.
"Listen to me, go to your dorm, and don't leave it" demanded Albus. He then sees James.
"James!" he screamed out.
"Albus, get out of here! They want you," screamed back James.
"I'm not leaving you, where's Scorpius?"
"He's outside!" yelled James almost getting hit.
Albus leaves the Great Hall to go find Scorpius outside. After searching for almost 30 minutes he finally finds him fighting off a first-year trying hard not to hurt him.
"Scorpius!" yelled Albus and Scorpius casts a spell making the first-year pass out and comes running...

It's the battle of Hogwarts, the third one. Albus and Scorpius are saying their "goodbyes" before they go off to fight. "See you soon Scorpius, I love you," Albus spoke as their lips collided. Scorpius pulled away knowing it was time as they both separate going in different directions. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" screeches a familiar voice, Nagini, a green light appears behind Albus. Albus jerks his head to assure himself that Scorpius was okay but instead of seeing him fighting, his eyes lock on Scorpius's lifeless body. "NOOOOO!" screamed Albus.

Albus, angrier than ever before starts chasing Nagini casting spells but missing.
"Sectumsempra! Crucio!" screaming Albus still missing when finally Nagini stops when she hears a scream. It was Draco Malfoy finding Scorpius' body and she laughed.
"You killed my best friend! Petrificus Totalus!" screeches Albus freezing Nagini. "Diffindo." Nagini blows up in millions of pieces.
Albus turns to see Pansy pointing her wand at him "AVAD-" screams Pansy but gets cut off from Albus yelling "Expelliarmus" disarming her.
"Oh no," whispered Pansy.
"Expulso" whispered Albus pointing his wand at Pansy.
Albus leaves where he's at and goes to where Scorpius was when he starts to hear the crying again. He walks up to Draco holding his cold pale son in his arms, crying "my son, he's gone. my son..." Albus drops to his knees, sobbing.
"Scorpius... My Scorp, please," sobs Albus while being pulled back by James. "AHHHHHH" he screams.

THE POTTERERS. ( albus severus potter )ᶠⁱⁿⁱˢʰᵉᵈWhere stories live. Discover now