Chapter 1

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The new housemaid entered Downton Abbey nervously. Anna greeted her at the back door, "You must be the new housemaid. Mrs. Hughes is expecting you."
"Yes," the girl said with a nervous smile, "And you are..."
"Mrs. Bates."
"I didn't know that Mr. Bates had remarried..." the girl said in shock.
"You know my husband?" Anna asked puzzled.
"No, I've never met him, but I knew his late wife."
"Oh, were you friends?"
"No! I would never be friends with the likes of her!" the girl snapped and rushed past Anna.

The young dark-haired maid caught on with her duties well. She was rushing upstairs when she ran into Mr. Bates. "I'm so sorry sir..."
"Not a problem." Bates said walking off.
"Wait! Are you Mr. Bates?"
"Yes." he replied turning around.
"I knew your late wife. And i'm so sorry that she caused you to be imprisoned." she said with a melancholy tone. Bates was surprised that this person knew his late wife and the story of his imprisonment. Bates just nodded and walked away. He didn't want to be reminded of an unfortunate chapter in his life. He also didn't know why she insisted on mentioning it. Thomas had been around the corner watching. He wondered why she would mention these things as well.

Back at the cottage, Anna was fixing some tea. Bates entered, and Anna walked up to him and kissed him. "You walked back to the cottage early." Bates said.
"Yes, Lady Mary was tired and went to bed early." Anna said smiling at him, "the tea will be ready in a minute. How was your day?"
"Alright. Except I don't like the fact that the new housemaid new Vera."
"She told me that she was never friends with her in an angry tone, so I don't think she's an enemy. But I do wonder how she knew her and why she feels the need to mention that to both of us."
"So do I."
"The tea is ready." she said quickly changing the subject. The walked into their sitting and enjoyed their tea with no more thoughts on the mysterious housemaid.

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