Craving Attention

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Your fiance Kenma Kozume was constantly busy with work so you two didn't spend lots of time together. It was another one of those days where he was free of work and would simply play games, every now and then he'd walk over to the bed where you were laying down on your phone and kiss you or have a short conversation with you. You kind of appreciated he was paying attention to you but he wasn't giving you the kind of attention you wanted, you ended up walking over to his desk and sitting on his lap, “Hey kitten” said Kenma as he kissed your lips, “Hi pudding” you muttered, pulling away as your head dropped on his shoulder, “Did you need something” he questioned as his head rested on yours, “Nope I just wanna watch you play” you said, he simply gave an approving hum as he continued to play his games. After a while, you became uncomfortable and moved around in Kenma's lap causing him to get hard, “Ngh~” you lifted your head after hearing him grunt to see him tightening his grip on your waist as he looked down, panting. You ignored it but soon felt the bulge in his pants grow, you thought for a second and smirked as you stood up from his lap, getting on your knees in front of him, his headshot down causing him to make eye contact with you, he saw the lustful look in your eyes and became excited knowing he was in for a long night...

From Below The Desk | Kennma Kozume x Dom Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now