Chapter Two: I Hate My Life

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As someone who had worked with the fae more than a few times, I was used to odd requests and figuring out loopholes. But I had never been involved in a conspiracy to murder someone. Even as a future lawyer, I had morals.

Of course, morals to the fae don't really matter. Especially not when something they really want is involved.

My sister and I have always been very different people, but I had never really resented her for it until that moment. I wanted to reach over and smack her, but I was sure that wouldn't go well. I couldn't risk losing my cool no matter how badly Reese deserved a good slap.

"I'm sorry, my lord, but I think getting you out of your bargain with the faerie king is beyond my realm of expertise," I said, trying to keep the bite out of my tone.

"Why yes. It most certainly is. But I'm not asking you for your help in finding loopholes in the agreement perse. I'm looking for your help in revising the agreement to ensure there are loopholes." He said it as if it were obvious and sighed when he saw my look of confusion.

"The king is looking for new ambassadors between the fae and humans. Every fifty years, the agreement between fae and humans has to be revised. When that happens, the agreement between the king and his subjects is also revised. Recently, the king has decided that he wants an ambassador who is human so that he can make them an honorary fae and use them to lie to the humans. Then, any agreement formed does not have to be followed since humans can lie. It would make our lives much easier."

"I'm sorry," I said, raising my eyebrow slightly. "The faerie king is trying to get out of his agreement with the humans?"

"No. He wants the agreement in place, just with more freedoms for our kind. And I want his agreement with the other fae to change to not involve us being bound to him. At the very least, I want to no longer be bound to him."

"What other freedoms are your kind wanting?" I asked, still putting the pieces together.

"That's not important right now. And it would be our kind, Emerson. I want you to be the ambassador the king chooses. Who better than a lawyer in training who knows the ways of the fae?"

"No offense, my lord, but why would I agree to this? If the king were to find out about the plan, he would murder me. I don't know if this is worth risking my life for," I said, casting a quick glance over to Reese.

"That is a good question. Your sister was not lying when she said that I know her full name. I intend to bind her to me with it. And should you refuse me, I would use that bond to kill her. Because she gave me her name, it would not break the agreement," Alaric offered me a grim smile.

"What if I offer you something in exchange for you swearing never to use her full name again or to ever reveal it to someone else?" I asked, my mind racing as I began to realize what was at stake.

"I told you what I want, Emerson. I want you to become the ambassador."

"My lord, you told me that you are going to use my sister's name to bind her to you and that if I become the ambassador, you will only agree not to use the bond to kill her. I'm asking something different of you. I would give you something else in exchange for you not binding Reese or ever using her full name again."

Alaric looked at me strangely and then grinned wickedly.

"You really are good, Emerson. What is it you are offering in exchange for such a big request?"

I tried not to let my panic show as I swallowed, my mouth suddenly very dry. I was about to commit to playing a very dangerous game. One I wasn't convinced that I could win.

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