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"I'd love to go out with you."


Liv's POV

I groan, rolling over to hide my head from the sunlight that penetrates the room. I could have sworn I closed the curtains last night in my hurry to burry myself under my blankets. I do it every night, I have to have them closed in order to actually get some shut eye. I'm someone that sleep doesn't come kindly to, and can only sleep in dark environments.

The shouts from the streets below and car horns blaring drags my head from my pillow, my eyes locked on the window. I spare a glance to the alarm clock, noting how it's only eight in the morning and my head is pounding like someone took a sledge hammer to it. I didn't do anything last night, did I? Because from my ringing ears, and, like I said, sore head, tells me other wise.

I try to think back - to piece together the puzzle in my head - but I find I can't. It's all a blur of lights and colours that flashes by in seconds. I look to the floor of my bedroom, seeing the three mugs littering on the floor and the paper scattered around them.

I must have stayed up late readying my stuff for college, that's the only explanation.

Pushing myself out of bed, every muscle in my body screaming in protest. Walking out of my room, I move to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling it with water. The tiles in the kitchen are cold, and so is the wooden floor that makes up the whole loft flooring, so I hurry back to my bedroom, climbing back into bed.

I find myself sighing, my eyes staring at my chest of draws, looking at the single picture that sits on it is boring. I have no idea why it's still up there. A picture that holds just me in a little café. How sad am I?

My insides feel empty, or dare I say soul? It sounds stupid, believe me, but apart of me feels lonely and abandoned. Perhaps it's just because I'm missing Donna? After all, I haven't seen her in over a week and she is the only maternal figure I've ever had in my life. She's raised me since was a young infant, she's the only parent I've ever known or had, and I miss her.

Yeah, it must be that.

I shake away all other thoughts and lie back on my bed, placing my glass on the bedside table as I stare up at the white ceiling. My mind enjoys playing tricks on me, conjuring lights and colours up before my eyes.

I just have laid there for a while, and unknowingly, I drift off to sleep without any troubles.


"I think the black dress, the pink one is a bit obnoxious," I purse my lips together as I look at them both.

"Yeah, you're right," A dark haired girl besides me nods her head, "It would also bring out your figure."

"Why thank you," I giggle, grabbing the dark dress and walking behind the small curtain in the room to change.

"You're welcome, Lovia."

"Ew, don't say that name!" I protest, throwing my top over the curtain and aiming for her figure.

"But why?" I can hear the pout in her voice, "It's your name and it's so cute!"

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