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Dear, my beautiful daughter,

I know you probably have many questions, and are very confused, but you will get your answers, I promise. There's some things you should know... some things you should know about yourself. Lovia, you're not entirely human. You're something special; a Shadow-hunter, just like me and just like your aunt.

Except, Lovia, you are one of nature's loop holes. You're a special present the fates gifted me with, one I would never exchange for anything. You're something entirely unusual, yet, so, so special. It had never been heard of, and it physically wasn't possible. But somehow, someway, something made it.

Shadowhunters marry and procreate with other Shadow-hunters, but I didn't. I was a rebel when I was younger, and I went against everything we believed in - even if I did work with the Clave. I was in a relationship with a warlock, and procreated with a warlock. Together we had a baby; you. Warlocks can't have children, but somehow you came along, and we were so happy, my darling.

But nature comes with a price.

Everything does.

I was shown three visions of your future, one of them ended with you happy, the other you were not even there, and the last... undecided. The way for you to stay safe was for both of us to disappear and let you be raised by Donna, my sister, as a mundane in till it was time. Something very bad is going on behind the scenes, Lovia. An evil is churning and awakening and it's much worse than what the other shadow-hunters fought against. Instead of wanting to wipe out the Downworld - like what Valentine wanted to do, but your friends succeeded in stopping him - they believe all lives should be ended in order for a new world, one where it can be 'pure'.

Lovia, you are one of the only ones that will be able to stop it.


Because of your blood - angle and demon - you possess powers that's never been seen before - which is going to put you in grave danger, but it's going to open opportunities you'd never even be able to imagine. Take those opportunities if it feels right, you'll understand what I mean in the end.

I'm sorry this burden has been placed on you, Livvie, but it's natures order. There is so much I have to tell you, and for that I've documented everything in diaries that are hidden in the apartment you grew up in. Don't let anyone you don't trust see them. follow your gut instincts, they're far stronger than you know.

We are so sorry for not being there whilst you grew up, you're father and I love you more than you could ever know or imagine.

Love, Mom

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