Chapter 24 - Champion Virus

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3 months later...

Megan's POV

I rushed to the bathroom, trying to be as quiet as possible, the package clutched tightly in my hand as I sprinted to not get caught. I made it and closed the door behind me, locking it. "Oh God." I sighed and slid down the floor, breathing hard and close to tears, "Please don't be true. Please." I pleaded, looking down. I ripped open the packaging of the test and pulled down my pants, sitting on the toilet. To say that trying to pee on a stick was uncomfortable, is an understatement.

Once it was done, I washed my hands and looked in the mirror, raising my shirt and seeing a small bump there already. My breaths came quicker as I looked at myself in the mirror, "Oh God, no, no, no! Steve said no kids, I am so dead." I panicked, I waited for the stick to show me I was wrong, for a single line to appear. But all hell broke loose in my emotions as I clutched the test in hand and saw that two lines were there.

I sighed and dropped down to my knees, my own fears and Steve's drowning me, making it impossible for me to breathe. "Miss Brooks, you're having a severe anxiety attack, should I call Mr. Stark or Captain Rogers?" "Oh Gods no FRIDAY. Please, please, please, no." "Of course Miss, don't worry." I nodded, my tears choking me now as I laid my cheek on the cold, bathroom floor. "Miss, can I be of any assistance at all?"

"Yeah." I sniffled, "FRIDAY, call Wanda and tell her she was right." "Right away Miss." After a few minutes I heard soft footsteps approach the door, "Meg, can I come in?" "FRIDAY, unlock only for Wanda." The A.I. unlocked the door and Wanda stepped in, her expression sad and regretful as she walked over to me. She took my head and laid it in her lap as she played with my hair.

"So, it's true then?" I nodded, "I'm sure Steve would be ecstatic." I shook my head and got up, hugging my knees to my chest, "You don't understand Wanda. You didn't see the terror in his expression when he talked about not having kids right away after we get married. His expression had never before been so fearful than it was at that time." Wanda trembled slightly as she looked down, not wanting to meet my eyes anymore. "This is all my fault, I'm sorry."

I shook my head, crawling to her and taking her hands in mine, "No sweetie, it's not. You were just confused, it's okay." Wanda took a shaky sigh and nodded, "Ok, well can I help with the nausea?" I wrinkled my nose, "Yeah actually, I'm feeling my morning sickness creep up again." Wanda nodded and closed her eyes, pressing her hands to my face as a red light bathed me. Instantly, my stomach wasn't flipping over anymore and I felt much better, "Oh, bless you Wanda." I sighed in relief and contentment.

"Have you gotten an OBGYN yet?" I shook my head, "No, and I'm not going to." Wanda gasped, "Megan, you have to. The baby needs to be checked on a regular basis." "Yeah, but those doctors don't know how to shut their mouth and word will get around to Steve." Wanda frowned, crossing her arms, "So you're just not ever going to tell him?" I scoffed, "No, I'm hoping to wait till I go into labor and then he sees the cute baby pop out and forgive me." Wanda smiled slightly, "Well, you two would make cute babies, that's for sure."

I chuckled, "Wanda you can't tell anyone, not even Vision. I know you two are... close, but you can't tell him." Wanda sighed, "I won't. Besides, you told me you're pregnant, I only think it's fair I tell you that me and Vision are dating." "Knew it." I grinned. She smiled and shook her head, chuckling, "How are you going to hide the bump?" "Baggy clothes." once I saw Wanda's skepticism I laughed, "I'm a goddess, I can... alter my body. Won't even show my bump." I provided with a smile and she paused, "Well then, I guess we're hiding a pregnancy."


Wanda had warned my dumbass to be careful, but did I listen? No, of course not, why would my stubborn ass listen? So here I was, on the floor, clutching my stomach and trying to apologize to Sam for throwing up on him. His eyes were wide as he looked up at Steve who was assessing Sam's skills as he assumed missions were sure to roll in soon. "Meg, you ok?" Steve asked as he ran down the bleachers and to my crumpled form on the floor.

"Uh, yeah. Real bad stomach virus, that's all." Steve smiled sympathetically, "That's some champion virus if it managed to break through your goddess-y immune system." I smiled, "Yeah, it's a champ." I groaned and clutched my stomach as I felt another violent wave of vomit rushing up my throat and burning it with the bile. Sam stepped back quickly, watching me in concern. "Get. Wanda." I managed through clenched teeth and Steve commanded that to FRIDAY.

After a minute or two of lying in pain, my saviour, Wanda came running in, her eyes wide and expression guarded as she ran to my side. "Stomach virus, huh?" She asked as she pressed her hands to my face and closed her eyes. Instantly, I felt relief and I sighed drowsily, sinking into the mat below me. "Will she be okay?" Steve asked Wanda as if she was a diagnostician. Wanda smiled a tight smile at him and Sam, "She'll be just fine. Maybe the nausea will last for a few days." Steve nodded, "Or weeks." Wanda mumbled quietly.

"Alright, well doll, I need you to rest before we get a mission. It's only a matter of time before we get one." I nodded, not wanting to argue with him and knowing that I needed the rest. "After all, just 5 more months and then you'll officially be Mrs. Rogers." I smiled at him as I nodded. "Alright, can you take me to bed?" I asked sweetly, my arms outreached to hint him to pick me up. "You got two legs." I huffed, "I also have two hands, one to take the ring off the other." Steve turned around and quickly picked me up, "Don't even joke about that." He growled as he sped to our room, I stuck my tongue out at him, "Then don't make me, bitch."

He shook his head and smiled, "Boy, am I glad to spend the rest of my life with you." "You sure are Rogers, no sarcasm needed to know that." His eyes sparkled with thrill and amusement as he walked faster. "Maybe I need to show Mrs. Rogers what Mr. Rogers can do to her if she doesn't behave." Steve smiled and I grinned until I remembered that sex was what got me in this predicament. "Uh, hun, maybe later. I am sick right now." Steve frowned, "Right. Ok."

He gently laid me in bed and kissed my forehead, "I'll go make soup, I'll be back." He assured and then he sped off, closing the door and leaving me in a relaxing darkness that quickly put me to sleep.

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