Chapter 4

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Landon was few couples months old. Kelley was staying at Christen's house after her graduation and will continue her soccer career. They were chatting on Christen's bed with Landon peacely asleep in his crib. Kelley was pretty loud and Christen keep glaced at Landon, noticing he wasn't bothered by Kelley at all.

"Kelley. Had you noticed Landon hadn't bothered by loud noises? He can sleep through loud parties or any games without an issue. He just slept and slept." Christen started to worry. "It does not startle him but if he can't see us coming behind him, he does get startled. I think he has hearing issues." She was looking back and thought how could she miss signs, maybe she's just overreacting.

"You think so?" Kelley asked. "You should go to the doctor if you are unsure about his ability to hear." Christen sighed and rubbed her temple, trying to not getting a headache.

"I will call and make an appointment. Maybe I am overreacting. How long will you stay?"

"I can stay here longer."

"He unfortunately failed his hearing test, Mr. Press. He cannot hear again and that might delay his ability to walk, talk, and learning as he gets older. It will be challenging for him and you. It wouldn't be easy. I am sorry to inform that." The doctor gave her a negative news about her son but Christen had a feeling in her guts the doctor was wrong about all of his abilities.

"But I heard if we use sign language and it will help his speech. It has benefits." Kelley said then got confused when the doctor chuckled.

"It will interfere with his speech development if you decided to get him to speak which is highly unlikely. He is more likely to be muted." This enraged Christen more. She had enough with this doctor.

"Thank you." Christen got up and walked away, did not want to hear anything more coming out of his mouth. Kelley was walking behind her, telling her the doctor was wrong.

"I know. I do not believe a single thing from him. I am not giving up. I am meeting the audiologist and get the right information from them to ensure Landon is deaf. I know hearing loss do not have an effect on his physical abilities. That's just a load of bullshit."

As they arrived at Christen's house, she went to her room and started to search for audiologists then research about hearing loss to learn more and what could she do. Kelley was in the downstairs, explained to her parents then went to her room.

"If he happened to be deaf. Language deprivation is a thing. The doctor was somewhat right about learning but if you teach them to learn sign language at a young age, it won't be an issue." Christen started to rambled. Kelley sat on the edge of her bed and listened to Christen. "I found a great audiologist. Her reviews are great. I just made an appointment with her. I hate that doctor. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Hearing loss isn't that horrifying. As long as you go to the right people and you will get help. They will grow up fine."

"I agree. When he said it will del-"

Christen interrupted her. "Oh my goodness. When he said that, I knew he had no clue what he was saying. Hearing loss definitely do not delay walking movement. How in the world does it affect on Landon's movement?"

Kelley let her chewing her ear off for a good hour. Kelley believed Christen knew what she was doing. She would do anything for Landon.

"Mr. Press. The doctor you first met was right about him being deaf. However, he was wrong about his deafness affect on his physical abilities. Don't worry about it. It's just a myth. It is a good thing you didn't believe him. I strongly believe he was born with Neuropathy Auditory. That would explain why he first passed his hearing test after he was born."

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