Brother||Chapter 1

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Morning. Today's the day I go to Earth. Quite scary to be honest. Apparently I have to go with my brother so he can watch over me. Good thing he's on break from traumatizing humans with the Ouija Board. Zozo the demon, or at least that's what the humans call him. Little do they know that he's actually a relative to Satan, my father. Zozo has always been a really good brother and he was always there for me, so it's no surprise that he volunteered to watch over me on Earth. He was about 20 years older than me since I had just turned 1000. Mother had passed away... she was a human. That's why me and Zozo have human looking skin compared to our father.

HEveryone has always said that he was hot and if he ever went to earth in person in stead of in spirit, he would get all the girls

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HEveryone has always said that he was hot and if he ever went to earth in person in stead of in spirit, he would get all the girls. Most of the time he doesn't show his horns either, not because he can't or because he rejects them, just because. Oh here is! "Hey sis, you ready to go?" I could hear him say from the doorway of my room. "Ready as I'll ever b-" I started. "No wait! You have to hide your horns when you go to Earth!" He said cutting me off. I hate when he does that. "Ok and how do I do that?" I said because I was never taught. I mean it's not like I thought I would need to know how. "Just think about hiding them." He told me and I did as he said. "Wow you really look like a human... a gothic one that is." He told me and I rolled my eyes.

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