Information On Humans||Chapter 3

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Today's the first day I go to school. I was self taught everything at age 5 by father so school aught to be easy.
I got into the bus with brother and sat in the way back seat but that's when everyone was staring at us. We were both confused. That's when one person who looked like they could be around 16, which was my fake age, came up to us and told us "you must be new. You might wanna move by the way, there is this really mean kid who sits there and will beat you up if you sit in his seat and don't get up..." the girl said. "Well we won't take that. We'll be fine" I said back. "You don't get it, he really will beat you up! It doesn't even matter that you're a girl! He will! And he's super strong!" The girl kept trying to convince us. "Trust me, I'm stronger" I said back trying to convince her. "... good luck", she said worriedly looking at us. That's when we came to a stop and a super mean looking kid got on... everybody shut up. "Give me your lunch money!" He yelled at a kid in the front. "O-okay..." you could hear the kid say. Wow humans have issues. "Why the hell is there a gothic freak and a nerd in my seat!? Get the hell up!" He yelled at us. Oh boy he was really stupid. "No" I said calmly looking at him. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!" He yelled at us. I tried so hard not to laugh... it didn't work. I started laughing and my brother just looked at me, then he started laughing because I was laughing. Everybody was super confused on what was happening. "WHAT THE HELL!?" He yelled. That's when he took a swing at my face. Probably should have mentioned this, I have super fast reflexes. I caught his fist and twisted it. I may or may not have broke his wrist. "WHAT THE FUCK!!?!" He yelled in pain. He then ran up front and off the bus. "Dude, you should know humans are fragile you can't be doing that." My brother whispered into my ear. "Yes, brother" I responded. Even though he was super nice to me and I always jokingly messed with him, I knew when to be serious with him.
We finally arrived at the school. It was huge, not as big as my palace of course but still pretty big. I had to go to the principals office to get my schedule, my locker code, and my books. After I got everything, I went to class.
I'm class I had gotten to sit wherever, so I sat in the way back. When the teachers would call on me, I would get every answer right. Easy.
It was now time for lunch. I didn't get any food, I just sat on a bench. A girl walked up to me, the same girl as on the bus. "I thought that what you did on the bus was really cool." She said sweetly. She seems nice, I guess I'll be nice back. "Thanks, somebody has to put bullies in their place" I said back, and what I said was true. "My name is Ginny by the way! What's yours?" She asked me. Should I say my real name..? I guess so. "Zena, so can you give me some background on everybody?" I asked. I wanted to know a bit more about everyone, maybe then I'll understand more about how to act like a person. "Who would you like to know about first? The Jocks? The Popular Cheerleaders? The Nerds? The Emos and Goths? Or the Loners?" She asked me. Hmm... I guess I should choose by which one sounds most interesting. "The loners" I said curiously. "The loners... should I start with Even, Quinton, or Jax?" She asked. "Jax I guess..." I said. "Okay, Jax normally skips lunch so he isn't here, you can normally find him behind the bleachers outside by the football field." She said. "What does he look like?" I was actually curious. He sounds ugly. She showed me a few pics on his Instagram.

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