Friends||Chapter 5

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To be honest, I would have been fine leaving it there. It's been 3 weeks since I met everyone, and being friends with Jax and Ginny was like getting presents on your birthday, it was awesome. I felt more and more like a human each day. Is that bad? Oh who cares! I'm having fun. We ate lunch everyday on the bleachers, just the three of us. But that's when I decided, I should stick to the plan. Time to go meet Even.
Ginny said that at lunch you could find him over in the baseball huts. Sure enough, she was right yet again. "Hey Even" I said. She said that people choose to stay away from him, since he's gay. "O-oh hello?" He sounded confused as to why I was talking to him. "How are you?" I said trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Um... I'm okay I guess. I already bought my lunch, so there isn't any lunch money for you to take" he said. He sounded scared. "Silly, I don't want your lunch money. I just want to be friends." I said smiling. "R-really?" He sounded quite surprised. Poor guy. "Of course!" I said. "If this is some type of joke screw you." He said as if it's happened before. "No joke, come with me, by the way I'm Zena" I said as we walked to the bleachers by the football field, where Ginny and Jax were sitting. "Hey guys, I made a new friend" I said revealing Even. "Oh, I've heard of you" Jax started, "what's up man". "Oh um... nothing much" he said. Even was super shy. "It's fine, you don't have to be all shy around us. We're your friends now." Ginny said trying to comfort Even. "Trust me, we're all misfits in this group" Jax said. Wow. If you asked any of us what we think would happen in 3 weeks, 3 weeks ago, none of us would have never predicted this, especially me. "Okay" Even said sitting down with us. We became best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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