Jax||Chapter 4

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So I had just found out about the loners of the school, but now I have to go to my classes. Tomorrow I will talk to Jax.
As I awoke I remembered the plan today. Go to class, arrive at the bleachers at lunch time, talk to Jax, become his friend, learn more info of humans, and then go to class. Time for school.
Classes went by pretty fast and then I rushed out to the bleachers. Underneath the bleachers, there was Jax. "Hi" I said calmly waiting for a response. That's right, he's the one who chose to be lonely. "You know it's rude to ignore somebody when they are talking to you." I said pushing him to talk. "Go away" he said hiding his face in his legs. Wait... is he... crying?
"A-are you okay?" I asked concerned. "I'm fine, just go" he said trying to get me to go. "You know... I'm not leaving til you tell me what's wrong" I tried my best to get him to talk to me. That's when he finally cracked. "What do you want me to say? That my dad hits me? That my mom passed away and left me with him? That the reason I don't want any friends is because they'll leave me just like everybody else? Because if so there... now can you please go?!" He said crying even more. He didn't seem like the type to cry so much from the photos, but that's when I seen his face. Holy shit. HE HAS A BLACK EYE AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT NONE OF THE TEACHERS ARENT GONNA SUSPECT ANYTHING?!? WHAT BULLSHIT. "What the hell" I was fucking pissed. "So you're telling me that the teachers aren't gonna suspect anything with you coming to school with a fucking black eye?!" I was now yelling. I mean can you blame me? I felt like I could burst. Then I remembered, before I left hell, my brother said don't get too mad or my horns with pop out. Oh what the fuck! "it's not like they notice me when I don't have a black eye" he said. Oh my god. Why would somebody have to go through this? This is just torture. I hugged him. He cried a little more. "I'll never leave" I said it, and I meant it. I won't leave him. "Who even are you..?" He asked looking at me directly into my eyes. "Zena, but you can just call me Zee" I said running my fingers through his hair trying my best to comfort him. "Ok..." he said before closing his eyes. We skipped the rest of the classes for the day, I'm assuming that he normally does that because he didn't seem bothered by it.

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