Forget About You

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"Every sec that we spent, lots of mess stuck up in my head gets me so distracted and confused. Baby, I think I've lost my mind, feels like you crashed into my life. I keep on losin' track of time ... But I just can't forget about you," (R5, Forget About You).

Scarlet's POV - Day V

I had just had one of the best days ever. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time.

Ross moved a piece of hair out of my face. His eyes locked with mine and he smiled in a dreamy fashion.

I smiled and tilted my head. I tried to read what he was thinking but all I saw was lust, or was it love? Ross came close and placed a kiss upon my cheek. I'm not sure why but I allowed him to. He stayed close and stared deep into my eyes.

"Ross," I tried in a sad tone. This couldn't be happening. I belonged with Riker, yet Ross intrigued me so much. His expression was confident like he knew he wasn't making a mistake, which he was.

"Can I just please?" he begged. He wanted to try. To be honest I wanted to see what would happen too. Was that wrong? What was happening to me?

I stayed quiet and Ross took it as a yes. He came closer and his lips gently touched mine. He kissed differently than Riker did. Riker was gentle and kind. Ross was strong and passionate. As his lips were on mine I got an excited feeling in my chest, something I had never felt before.

The kiss lasted more than four seconds and I kissed him back the entire time. Ross pulled away with a huge smile on his face.

I came back to reality and fear mixed with guilt filled me. Everything I ever did caused me to feel that way and it wasn't fair. I stared at Ross and said nothing. I was confused. Should I have even allowed him to?

"I knew it," he whispered.

"Knew what?" I asked looking down.

"I needed to do that. Don't you see you fell in love with the wrong Lynch?" he exclaimed overly excited.

"Woah. Ross, don't get ahead of yourself," I said softening my tone from almost shouting. "It was just a kiss, okay?"

He studied me with a slight glare, "You kissed me back."

He was right. "And that's my fault," I said as I got out of the car.

I turned and saw he looked hurt. My heart ached at the sight of him. How could have done this? He was already heartbroken, I only made it worse. I wanted to wish it hadn't happened but a part of me was glad it did.

"I'm sorry, Ross. I really am," I said giving him a gentle look. I stood and waited for him to look up.

"Hey, Scar!" I heard Riker's voice behind me as my heart sank.

I quickly turned and he hugged me. "Riker," I breathed almost in a cry.

"Miss me?" he asked as he pulled away. By the look on his face I could tell he hadn't seen the kiss. I should have felt relieved but it only made me feel worse.

"Yes," I responded quietly. I hugged Riker again and he hugged me back. I didn't want to let go, I didn't want to lose him. I could hear his heart beat close and his warmth made me feel at home.

"What happened?" I heard him ask Ross. I cringed and shrunk into my shoulders waiting for Ross to spill.

"Nothing," Ross finally said. I relaxed as sadness filled me.

I pulled away from Riker's hug and stood next to him. His arm was still around my waist.

"What are you doing back so early?" I asked.

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