Party & Run

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Tommy's POV (finally also, pretend tommy has his license, idk what age u get it in th UK soooo.)

(Also, possible trigger in this chapter. ill note when it is. I'm saying possible bc I don't really know if it is one or not.)

I got in my car and drove to Toby's house, where Y/N now lived. 

As I pulled into the driveway, I saw her walk out in light blue ripped jeans and a yellow tank top, wearing a denim jacket and converse. Her hair was in a simple braid and, let me say, she looked good.

"Hello, Tommy."

"Hello, Y/N."

She walked around the car and got into the front seat, buckling up. She waved to Mrs. Smith, whom was standing in the doorway.

She moved a piece of hair behind her ear and I backed up and drove out of the driveway and started our way to the party.

"Remember what Mom said, I have to stay near you."

"Yes, I do. I won't let you out of my sight."

She smiled and looked forwards to the road ahead.

10 minutes later we arrived at my buddy's house. (Let's call him Brandon.)

We got out of the car and walked inside, the rain starting drizzle.

She grabbed my hand, shaking. 

"You ok? We can leave if you want."

"I'll be fine once we get inside."

I nodded. I opened the door to Brandon's apartment and walked in, closing it behind us. The loud music blared into my ears. Y/N flinching before getting used to it. I looked at her and she went and she looked at me.


"Ello Brandon."

"Got yourself a girlfriend?"

"Her? No, she's just a friend for now."

"Ahh, I see."

"Brandon, Y/N. Y/N, Brandon."


"Y/N, why don't you go sit on the couch so Tommy and I can have some bro time?"

"Uhm, I - ok."

She was cute when she was shy, I looked at her and nodded. She walked to the couch and sat down, playing on her phone.


I sat on the couch, unsure if it was a good idea to leave Tommy or not. I was normally shy around others, unless i'm online. 

I played on my phone, scrolling through Instagram and playing among us. 

I occasionally looked up to see if Tommy was still there. He still was.

I went back to my phone and about half an hour went by and I felt a weight beside me. I looked up and saw a man, about 17.

"Hey cutie."

My brows furrowed.

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? You're cute."

"I'm not interested."

I ignored him, playing on my phone.


"Hey, don't be a bitch and ignore me."

He took my chin on his finger. I slapped it away.

"I said, I'm not interested."

I got up and was immediately pulled by my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere."

He got up, still having a hold on my wrist, getting closer and grabbing my waist. 

"Yes, I am. Get off of me."

"No. You're. Not."

At this point I was practically pushing away from him, I wasn't as strong though.

"Let me go. I have a boyfriend, I'm not interested!"

"You can cheat on him, surely. For me, baby?"

"No, TOMMY!"

I looked in his direction, the music still too loud.

"That's no use."

He started walking towards the stairs, passing by Tommy and Brandon.


The music was still to loud. I'm going to have to scream.

I took a deep breath and screamed.


His head perked up, running up the stairs.


He pushed him away.

"This is your boyfriend? A scrawny 16-year-old minecraft streamer? Pathetic."

"Fuck you."


I hugged Tommy and we walked back down the stairs, exiting the party.


"Hey, like I said, I will always be there."

"Can we go somewhere peaceful? Like on an outskirts ride so I can calm down a little? My anxiety almost made me pass out."

"Sure. We can go where ever you want."

He smiled at me and we drove out of town to a hill. 

The rain, now pouring.

Yeah, I know it kinda sucks, but whatever. 

Publishing this bc I cant for the weekend :) It's the streamys y'know

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