Chapter Three | Damien's Cause

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| Elvin |

Elvin scribbled in his notebook, glancing at the ship every so often while he waited for the vampire to return. But as each moment passed, he grew more and more impatient.

          He slammed his notebook shut and tucked it and his quill into his pocket. What could be taking Alucard so long? Why did he have to fly over to some ship? Who was he talking to? The bard rolled his eyes and pouted, resting his chin on his knees as he wrapped his arms around his legs. It was cold, damp, and miserable. He wanted to go home; he wanted to hear about what Alucard had been up to tonight.

          But he couldn't stop thinking about that werewolf. If one came out of the woods, would more follow? If that happened, they'd mess up the treaty Alucard was finalizing with the city. He'd worked so hard for it, and Elvin had no idea what might happen if it didn't go through. Would Alucard have to leave Dor-Sanguis? What would happen to all the vampires?

          Alucard suddenly emerged on the beach with an aggravated look on his face.

          Elvin pounced to his feet. "So?" he asked eagerly. "How did it go?"

          The vampire glanced at him and rolled his eyes. "Vantastic."

          He frowned at Alucard's answer and followed him along the beach. "Are you going to tell me about your night? What happened?"

          "Stuff," he muttered, following the stone path.

          Elvin pouted and followed in silence. He knew he wasn't going to get answers just yet; Alucard evidently needed time to cool down.

          They approached Alucard's home. The towering black-brick manor's sharp, pointed roofs cast sinister shadows across the grass, shrouding the majority of the grounds in darkness, and the tall walls stretched a mile around the estate, cutting it off from the rest of the land.

          Dargamoore sat a few miles in the distance; the city's glow emanated through the grassy hills. Huge, werewolf-infested forests surrounded the grassland, and black, nightmarish mountains graced the sky.

          Elvin and Alucard reached the black steel gates which sat between the walls of his manor, and when they opened, the vampire led the way through the grounds.

          Perhaps enough time had passed. Elvin looked up at Alucard and asked, "Okay, what stuff?"

          Alucard rolled his eyes and snarled irritably. "I met a zemon."

          Elvin held back a victorious grin. "A demon? But...demons and vampires are enemies; that's like getting you to meet a werewolf—well, one that isn't Tobias. He's cool."

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