Chapter Nine | Deviation

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| Alucard |

When he got to the castle, Alucard saw Ben and Felix arm wrestling at the table. As he moved towards the table, all of his vampires climbed to their feet and stared obediently at him.

          "You, 'ere," he called, moving to the corner of the room as he pointed at Ben.

          Ben walked over to Alucard and asked, "Yes?"

          "Can you contact Zaliv?"

          He frowned in concern as he watched an impatient glare flicker across Alucard's face. "Has something happened?"

          "I need to speak to 'im about zhe mission—is important," he grumbled.

          "Do you need to send him a message, or do you need to see him?"

          "I vant to talk to 'im—now," he snarled irritably.

          Ben nodded. "I can...try to work something out."

          "Zhen do zhat," Alucard mumbled, moving away from him.

          Without any hindrance, Ben left through the front door.

          Alucard made his way to the table and leaned back against it. He wasn't looking forward to seeing that arrogant demon again, but what choice did he have?

          Felix stood up and wandered over to him.

          Alucard rolled his eyes, sure that the silver-eyed man was about to start a conversation he didn't want to have.

          The grey-haired vampire stopped beside Alucard. "Everything is okay, My Lord?" he asked nervously.

          Alucard glanced at him. The small, silvery-eyed man was unnecessarily close, so he snarled and moved a little to his right to put more distance between himself and Felix. "Da," he answered. "Clear zhe voom."

          Felix did as he was told and made his way over to the others. He told them to leave the hall and left with them.

          Alucard sunk into one of the chairs as a sullen look stole his vacant one. He knew that telling Zalith the plan was changing would make him look stupid. He'd been so adamant with his original plan; changing it now was going to make Zalith think even less of him. But he didn't care—why should he? It wasn't like they were friends. They were work associates, and that was all it would ever be. What did it matter how Zalith felt? Alucard knew he could do his job, and that was all that mattered because no one else was going to appreciate his work.

          He sighed and waited, tapping his fingers on the table. At least he was right about Ben being able to contact Zalith. How, he wasn't sure—but again, he didn't care. He just wanted to tell the demon about the deviation as quickly as he could. Then, he could go and meet Tobias if it wasn't too late.

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