Chapter Five | The First Transferal

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| Alucard |

After a few hours and a small stop at his house, Alucard made his way to the docks below the cliff that held up his castle. The vast, black-bricked fortress overlooked the ocean, its shadow stretching across the slanted land which led up to it, and a swarm of crows circled the tallest tower.

          The place was almost deserted; a single black ship was moored there. On the ship's quarterdeck, a casually dressed man leaned against the fence. When he spotted Alucard, he watched as he and Elvin made their way on board. His eyes shone bright green in the afternoon sunlight, and his hair was greyed and platted behind his head.

          "Aleksei," the man called with a smirk.

          "Vodney," Alucard greeted.

          "Elvin," Rodney said, shaking the bard's hand.

          "Rodney," Elvin sang.

          Rodney then let go of the bard's hand and looked at Alucard. "I came, as requested. What do you need of me?" he asked, leading the way back up onto the quarterdeck.

          "I 'ave to pick some vampires up vrom an island in an hour or so," Alucard said, leaning back against the quarterdeck fence.

          Nodding, Rodney said, "And you need me to transport them from there to here?"

          Alucard handed him a piece of paper. "Zhese are zhe coordinates."

          He looked at the paper and frowned. "You want me there in what? An hour from now?"


          "Well, the sun is setting; it'll take me at least an hour to get there, assuming Drac isn't being fussy today," he said, glancing at the ocean.

          Alucard sighed irritably. "Just get zhere. If you are late, I'm sure zhe people I'm meeting von't get off my ass."

          Rodney laughed slightly. "Who are you meeting?"

          "People," Alucard muttered as he turned around and made his way down off the quarterdeck. "Do not be late."

          "Yeah, I'll leave right away," Rodney called.

          "How is Drac?" Elvin asked as he followed Alucard off the ship.

          "Vine," the vampire mumbled, making his way along the docks.

          Elvin frowned as he hurried alongside Alucard onto the beach. "What's wrong?" he asked with a concerned tone, staring at Alucard's stubborn face.

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