What!! (Justin's POV)

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A ringing sound meet my ears, I rolled over pulling the covers over my head. It couldn't be time for school already. The noise kept ringing. I flew the covers off and looked over at my clock, seeing my phone ringing next to it. I groaned picking up.

"It's early."

"Do you know what time it is."

I groaned.

"look at the clock yourself."

"Kelsey was taken."

I sat up straight panicking.

"Is this a joke?"


"Look mr.crude--"

"No Justin, she loves you, and has just found alot about herself she didnt know, you want her back alive you come, she was taken by her father."

I jumped out of bed, running around the room, throwing pants and a shirt on, I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car.

"look Mr.crude if this is a prank--"

"its not, your missing alot of informaton justin, but I cant tell you over the phone."

I hung up driving past the speedlimit, I missed a red light.




I pulled in the driveway running up to the door, I saw mr.crude walk out.

"Explain where the hell my girl is."

"come in Justin."

I looked over to the man that spoke, he was wearing a tux, as I assumed the butler. Sitting down in the family room i looked around the huge house, as a roaring fire blazed in the corner, and the kitchen smelled of coffe.

"Justin, Kelsey is my daughter, and I'll have her fill you in on--"


"I tried getting custody, everytime I tried he took them away, I searched for her, since she was a baby!"

I nodded, letting him continue.

"Kevin took her, we found the gun on her bedroom floor. I can't loose her, again, I was going to inform you of our situation tomorrow, but I prefer to get my daughter back before he takes her again."

"How can I help?"

"I'm part of a special organization, and you just need to stay out of it."

"So I just sit here and hope the love of my life is okay?!"

I stood up getting in his face, ready to yell at him.

"I know it's hard but we need you to cover for her at school."

"He probably already took her out of the system."

"just incase."

"Just incase is not good enough. I saved her once, I'll save her agian."

I stormed out of the house starting my car. I was going to find her myself.

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