3- Act

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Johnny walked upstairs to drag Jaehyun down for dinner. He opened the door and found him asleep cuddling Haechan in his human form.
Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Oi ya bitch stop trying to steal my humans" he said as he picked up Haechan by the legs like he was nothing and threw him out the window.

He dusted his hands off and looked back at Jaehyun who was frozen in place with his eyes wide.

Johnny flicked him on his forehead and brought him out of his trance.

"Ow what the f-" Jaehyun started but Johnny gave him a look "-iddlesticks was that for?"

"Get up, dinner's ready" Johnny said and then left.

Jaehyun followed behind him hesitantly as he didn't know what was for dinner. It could be a space monster, it could be a gopher, it could even be himself.

Wait no that wouldn't make sense.

They arrived at the dining room and Jaehyun was pleasantly surprised to find sushi on the table.

Johnny sat at the head of the table and Jaehyun went to sit beside Woo, but was pulled to sit next to Johnny.

The food was served and they began eating except for Jaehyun who was prodding at it, looking for strange ingredients.

"What are you doing?" Johnny asked.

"Looking to see if you put anything weird in this" Jaehyun replied.


"You're a demon, I don't know what kind of stuff you could put in here"

Johnny chuckled and took a piece of sushi from Jaehyun's plate. He popped it in his mouth "See, nothing bad"

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and reached his napkin to Johnny's face

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you'll make a mess" he said as he wiped away some stray rice on the corner of Johnny's mouth.

Woo was giggling his ass off in the background.

"What are you laughing at little mister?" Jaehyun asked.

"Daddy and mistew jaejae look cute togethew" Woo replied and stuck a piece of sushi in his mouth.

Jaehyun looked away from Johnny to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm full" Jaehyun said and stood up from the table, rushing off back to his room.

Johnny reached out his hand to Woo and Woo smacked it. They did a lil thumbs up thingy and put away the dishes.

Jaehyun got into his room and was about to sleep until February but there was someone sitting on his bed so he screamed.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Pam"


"No you dumbass it's Haechan"

"I thought you were an salamander?"

"Uh yeah but don't you think it gets tiring not being able to reach the first shelf in the pantry?"

"Huh, I guess so" Jaehyun replied and walked towards him. He noticed a lot of cuts and bruises on Haechan. He remembered what he saw earlier.

"Oh wait, you were the one Johnny threw out of the window"


"wait a sec" Jaehyun said as he walked downstairs.

He came back in the room with a first aid kit. Jaehyun kneeled down and started applying the medicine to Hyuck's wounds. He winced a lot. "Be gentle please" he said, his injuries stinging everytime Jaehyun applied the medicine.

Jaehyun thought for a moment before he came up with a "great" idea.

"Ok uhm how about this, everytime I hurt you I'll...kiss where it hurts"

Haechan immediately blushed and looked away flustered. "u-uhm su-re".

Jaehyun proceeded to do just that. Giving little pecks on Haechan's wounds everytime he winced.

Little did they know, someone watched from afar, surprisingly stealthy. He ran off to tell his dad.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Woo said as he ran downstairs.

"Whats up baby?" Johnny said as he put woo on his lap.

"Mistew jaejae and that stupid fish were kissing"

Woo said and stuck his tounge out in disgust. Johnny stared off in the distance before he realized what Woo just said.

"Uh hold up, like on the lips?"

"No just whewe fish was hurt" Woo finished.

Johnny held Woo's face as he thought. "Daddy you'we squishing mah face" Johnny let go of woo and he ran off to god knows where.

Just then, Johnny got an idea.

He walked upstairs to the fourth floor and yeeted himself off of the balcony.

He did it twice for good measure before walking back inside and putting on the best act of his life.

He dragged himself up the stairs only using his arms.

"Woo" he called out loud enough for woo to hear and come running out of a closet.

"Daddy? What happened?" Woo asked as his eyes started to tear up

"No no baby, I'm fine, just go get Jaehyun for me and act like you're sad" Woo nodded and walked towards Jaehyun's room.

"Mr.jaejae come quick! My daddy's hurt" Woo said and sniffled a bit.

"Ah ok ok" Jaehyun said and left with Woo, Leaving Haechan to go wander around somewhere.

Upon discovering Johnny's body, Jaehyun sighed and dragged Johnny back to his room.

He got out the med kit again and dabbed Johnny's wounds harshly.

Johnny fake winced, he's the lord of darkness he can't feel any of this anyways.

"Ow, why can't you be more gentle?"

"Why can't you not be an idiot?"


"Me and Hyuck saw you fall off of the balcony, twice"

Johnny sucked his teeth and sighed in defeat.

Jaehyun finished cleaning his wounds and was about to push him out of the room before he remembered,he was supposed to make this asshole fall in love with him.

Jaehyun sighed and sat down next to Johnny. He grabbed Johnny's hand and kissed the bandaid that was on it. Johnny paused.

A light blush spread across his cheeks. He looked away as Jaehyun proceded to kiss every single bandage that was on Johnny, leaving the face for last.

Jaehyun unwrapped every bandage on it. Johnny's felt his face heat up as Jaehyun cupped it. Jaehyun kissed every uncovered cut and bruise, leaving small spots of saliva on Johnny's face.

Johnny bit his lip to hold back a smile but failed. Jaehyun added a finishing touch, pecking Johnny's lips, leaving blood behind.

After that, Johnny was quickly pushed out of Jaehyun's room. He went into his room and slumped his back against the door. He touched his lips and smiled, seeing the blood on his finger.


Damn that took me way too long but i was also working on something else so thats probably why

under my bed {JohnJae} {✔︎} (~Edited~)Where stories live. Discover now