5- Apologizing

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Jaehyun decided he could apologize in a day or two, what harm could it do to wait a bit?


Apparently a lot. Johnny had been in his room the entire time. All of his blankets were soaked in tears and mucus.


Ugh this idiot, didn't I tell him to apologize? I didn't wanna have to do this Mr.Jaejae but...

Author POV

Woo walked into Jaehyun's room, a glass of lemon juice in one hand and a glass of water.

"Twuth ow dawe mr.jaejae?"

"Uh dare?" Jaehyun replied.

Woo smiled "I dare you to drink the lemon juice" Jaehyun hesitantly took the glass, drinking the pale yellow liquid in one gulp.

Woo giggled at Jaehyun's puckered lips. "Here" Woo said and he handed the glass of water to Jaehyun. Jaehyun took down all of the water and handed the glass back to Woo.

Jaehyun POV

I handed the glass back to Woo but suddenly felt dizzy. My vision got blurrier and blurrier. I stared confusedly at a fuzzy Woo until I remembered the slightly salty taste.

That motherfucker drugged me.

Author POV

Woo smiled sweetly at the maid as he dragged Jaehyuns limp body upstairs and to his father's bedroom.

Woo pushed open the door to find his dad facing the opposite way, probably asleep.

He somehow picked up Jaehyun and placed him on the bed next to his dad.

Johnny subconsciously turned over and hugged Jaehyun. "Have fun, he was a pain to get up here" Woo smiled and left the room

★𝔸𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕩. 6 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣★

Jaehyun woke up to find Johnny, still asleep but sniffling as well.

Jaehyun sighed 'Did I really do that to him? I only called him an idiot' Jaehyun reached over and felt Johnny's forehead.

He was burning up.

Jaehyun shook his head in disappointment. Mostly at himself but also Johnny. He was the godamn dark lord for loves sake, shouldn't he be able to handle a tiny insult?

Johnny lifted his crusty eyelids to see Jaehyun above him. He quickly jumped back and turned away from Jaehyun.

He sat up, facing the wall, letting out small whimpers. Tears still ran down his face and his head pounded from the fever.

Jaehyun sighed again. "Johnny" Johnny didn't budge.

"Johnny" Jaehyun called again but still no response.

"Johnny look at me" Johnny turned his body to face the wall where the door was.

"You're still not looking" Jaehyun said.

Getting no response from Johnny, Jaehyun moved to where Johnny was sitting.

Johnny averted his gaze from Jaehyun.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes. He placed his hands on either side of Johnny's face.

Johnny attempted not to but failed and melted into Jaehyun's touch.

"Johnny, I-i" Jaehyun stuttered. Why was he making a big deal out of this? It's just an apology. Jaehyun exhaled and continued.

"Johnny I'm sorry" Johnny looked up into Jaehyun's eyes and nodded. Jaehyun let a small smile appear on his face.

under my bed {JohnJae} {✔︎} (~Edited~)Where stories live. Discover now