4- Kicked puppy

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Haechan walked through the halls, observing every room that he had seen before. Who knew asking the devil for love would result in a curse?

He wandered around until he stumbled upon what he could only assume was the devil's son's room. He heard humming and peeked around the corner before sneaking into the room.

Woo sat on the floor, coloring on a piece of paper. Humming the tune to something that Hyuck found weird
Why did this child know what love talk is? What crack are they feeding him?

Woo looked up from his paper and glared at Haechan.

"Why is stupid fish in my room?"

"I- stupid fish?"

"Dumbass fish"

"Kid that's a bad word"

"Daddy told me I can use bad words with stupid fish" Hyuck sighed in annoyance.

"Whatever. What are you drawing?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because...I would tell your dad that you cussed"

"Daddy doesn't care when its you"

"Ugh, whatever" Haechan said and went to exit the room.



Woo walked over to Haechan and dragged him to a chair in the corner.

"Do you like mistew Jaejae?" Hyuck scoffed.

"What's it to you?"

"Listen here dumbass bitch" Woo started as his eyes turned darker.

"My daddy and mister jaejae will be married in a years time. You have no chance. If you even think about trying to ruin my ship, I will personally rip out your eyelashes, then your teeth, and then feed them to you dipped in your own blood. Then I'll throw you off the building three times and bury your body on a trash pile in Australia" Woo finished and his eyes returned to their normal color.

Woo smiled and went back to coloring, leaving Hyuck to scurry out of the room.

Johnny stood outside the doorway in tears.

"Damn, I raised my child right" he said as he wiped away a tear and entered the room.

Woo immediately noticed and ran towards him "Daddy!"

"Hi Woo" Johnny said and scooped up Woo in his arms. "What are you up to?"

"Just drawing...and scawing that stupid fish 'way"

"Ah I heard, he was quite scared wasn't he?" Woo smiled and nodded.

Johnny put Woo back down and walked to Jaehyun's room.

He heard two voices and decided to eavesdrop.

"Dude holy shit that kid is scary" it was muffled but Johnny could tell it was Haechan's voice.

"Bruh how though??" Jaehyun replied.

"He's literally like a mini Yandere chan" Jaehyun began laughing.

"Let me guess, he threatened you over not giving him candy?"

"No he threatened me over trying to break up his ship"

"I- how does this boy even have a ship?"

"He said that you and Mr. hey you get off my skeleton will get married in a year"

Something splattered on the wall.

"Ew gross, at least warn me if your gonna spit in my face"

Jaehyun laughed "Sorry dude, I just didn't expect that. Here let me wipe it off"

Jaehyun POV
I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a small packet of tissues.

I opened the packet and started wiping Haechan's face off.

Then we heard a door slam into the wall, unfortunately it was my door, leaving a hole where the doorknob is.

Johnny stepped in the room giving a glare to Hyuck. He looked over at me and proceeded to take the tissues from my hands.

Handing them to Hyuck he said "Stupid fish can take care of himself" and threw him out of the window..again.

"Would you stop throwing him? He's hurt enough already" I said as I threw on my jacket to go drag Haechan up from the bottom floor.

I was about to exit when Johnny grabbed my arm.

"Why do you care about him so much when you're trying to get me to fall in love with you?" I stared at him with annoyance

"Because who else am I supposed to talk to about you? Tsk idiot"

Author POV

Johnny looked away with a grunt and left the room. Jaehyun rolled his eyes and went down to retrieve Hyuck.

After successfully dragging Hyuck up two flights of painfully tall stairs, Jaehyun sat down on his bed.

Haechan groaned and transformed back into the small axolotl, walking onto Jaehyun's lap. Jaehyun smiled and pet his moist skin.

Woo walked in the room unanounced and plopped himself on the floor. Jaehyun raised his head to look at him. "What's up Woo?" He asked. Woo just stared at him, narrowing his eyes.

"Uh Woo?" Jaehyun asked, waving his hand in front of the child's face. Woo sighed and stood up.

"Look Mr.Jaejae, I'll just say it straight up, my daddy was real hurt when you called him an idiot" Woo started pacing around the room.

"He came in my room just to watch me talk to my stuffies and he never does that. When I looked at him, he looked like you just kicked his puppy"

"He was crying Mr.Jaejae and I suggest you fix it before I'm forced to do something that would result in the death of others" Woo finished, letting go of Jaehyun's shirt.

Woo was leaving the room but peeked in the door. "Fix it, now" he said and shut the door.

"Damn that kid really is scary"

Not me procrastinating this chapter for like a week

I can just hear Bangchan's voice now...

Anygays Cya next chapter

Anygays Cya next chapter

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