Chapter 1: The Untouchable Queen

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Scarlet slowly began to wake up, in shackles and was chained up from head to toe. Nui was standing in front of her as she giggled with glee and spun around Scarlet's chained prison.

"You're finally awake." Nui said as she smiled widely. "I was starting to wonder if I broke my toy."

Scarlet glared at her with a small flame in her eyes. "Tch, cocky little punk." She was soon shocked violently.

"Oh, I'm so scared." Nui said as she amps up the electricity. "You don't seem that tough like I was told."

Scarlet hissed as she glared at Nui once more. "I'll rip your head off and have you for breakfast!"

Nui continued to shock Scarlet, until there was a bright light of all colors of the rainbow. A woman in a very revealing white dress with silver hair and rainbow highlights on the other side of her hair walked into the room.

"Lady Ragyo Kiryuin." Nui said as she stepped away from Scarlet. "I have her like you had requested."

Scarlet glared over to Ragyo as she couldn't pick up her scent, since she could only smell her own burnt flesh. "'re Satsuki's mother..."

Ragyo didn't say anything as she looks over to Nui. "Leave us..."

Nui nodded as she dashes off. "Next stop! Honnoji Academy!"

Scarlet snickered a little. "So, what does a MILF want with me?" She noticed Ragyo look at her with a menacing glare. "Ara ara...someone's mad at me."

"Quiet!" Ragyo shouted as she unchained Scarlet. "You've made the wrong choice, and you've made the worst enemy of your life."

Scarlet started to laugh insanely as she throws a punch at Ragyo, who simply dodges out of the way. "Smart...but you think, I've made the wrong choice? Who's gonna stop me? You...please."

Ragyo stood there as she eyed Scarlet. "You ruined my plans on taking Honnoji Academy from my ruined many of my plans!"

Scarlet snickered as she claps her hands slowly. "Children? Let me guess, Ryuko's also your daughter, how precious....But I have news for you Kiryuin. The only one who's going to win, is me..." She would then pull out the knife she had tried to use on Nui and went to stab Ragyo. "This is where I kill you!"

With a glare, Ragyo moved out of the way as she wrapped Scarlet up in Life Fibers. "You dare attack me? It won't work, I can't be touched by scum like you!" She tightened the Life Fibers around Scarlet as they sank into her body. "You'll be nothing but a puppet for me."

Scarlet gritted her teeth as her eyes glowed, her Maiden powers were burning away at the Life Fibers, her black inky blood dripped onto the floor from the cuts and scars. She then exploded with her Fall Maiden powers as this took Ragyo by surprise. Scarlet turned her attention to her as she was remembering how she was a puppet for Salem, and for Icarus. Hearing what Ragyo had said, triggered her.

"I will....never be your puppet." Scarlet said as her wounds healed. "Maybe your children didn't inform you...or you never got the memo...I'm the eater of worlds and of humankind, the immortal nightmare, and you're damnation..." She snickers and begins to laugh again as her eyes shrank. Her laughter echoed through Ragyo's tower as in the far distance it could be heard by others.


Nui could hear the bone chilling laughter from Scarlet as she shivered, this was different she was literately scared. "I hope Lady Kiryuin will be able to handle her own while I'm gone."

Birds flew into the sky from the eerie laughter, they were started to get confused as well. Flying into windows and attacking people. These were no ordinary birds, these were baby Nevermores. It seemed the Grimm Scarlet had unleashed in the Kill la Kill universe were still roaming about, despite the universes and timelines being fixed thanks to what Forgotten had done during the war.

"Ugh, what's up with these birds?" Nui asked swinging her scissor blade at the Nevermores. "If I recall Lady Kiryuin wants me to toy around with Ryuko and the others at the academy." She was about to make her way to some transport when a Ursa ran towards her roaring.

Inside the tower, Scarlet had finished laughing as she pulled out Black Rose off of her back and glared at Ragyo. "I will kill you where you mercy for you."

Ragyo scoffed. "I don't have time to play games girly, I'll put you six feet under."

Scarlet licked her lips. "Then fight me, I'll show you I'm no push over!" She dashed towards Ragyo and swings Black Rose at her.

Ragyo blocked as she had giant sewing needle-like swords. She spun around Scarlet as she cuts into her like she was a piece of steak, eventually she pushed Scarlet far away from her with her superhuman strength. "You will become my puppet!" She trapped Scarlet in Life Fibers once again as she moved her fingers around as they were slowly wrapping around Scarlet's brain. "You will be mine!"

Scarlet's maiden powers were too strong for the Life Fibers to keep her tide up, the ones in her head had also burned up. Scarlet hissed angrily as she held her hand out in front of her as she had fired shards of glass and fire at Ragyo. "I'll teach you to toy with me!" Scarlet grinned sinisterly as her shoulder blades began to squirm and wiggle.

"What the hell?" Ragyo asked as she backed up a little. "What are you?! Who are you?!" She felt a very dark aura coming from her as Ragyo would quickly head out to the helicopter.

Scarlet's shoulder blades ripped open as Nevermore wings sprouted out from them, drenched in her blood as it dripped. Scarlet flapped them dry as she gripped Black Rose tightly, she stares at Ragyo with the look of hunger in her eyes. "I told you....didn't I? I'm the eater of worlds and of mankind...your immortal nightmare." She busted a gaping hole in the side of the tower as she flew out. "I am the one true ruler of the multiverse! I am a queen, and a deity! I am the devil reincarnated.....The daughter of Salem....I am Scarlet Rose!"

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