Chapter 4: Blood bath

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Scarlet had just killed Uzu as Ryuko and the others were surrounding her, Nonon was ticked off and angry at Scarlet now. But this only amused her, and made it more of a thrill.

"Now then, we're only missing one person..." Scarlet said as she snickered. "Your mother, Satsuki and Ryuko."

"WHAT!?" Ryuko asked. "My mother? What does Satsuki have to do with that?"

Scarlet grinned as she walks over to Ryuko eyeing her for a moment, as her clock eye ticked. "Oh? How are you not aware?" She got closer to Ryuko as she sniffs her. "You smell just like her too.."

"Creep." Ryuko said jumping back.

Scarlet giggled innocently as she turns to look at Satsuki. "Oh, why don't you tell your sister what I mean?"

"What the hell? I'm not related to Satsuki." Ryuko said as she looked at Scarlet. "You're insane if you think I'm related to her."

Scarlet gasp as she looks at her. "Oh, I'm sowwy...did I hurt your pride? Last I checked from your mother, you and Satsuki are related. Oh wait Ha! You hate your own sibling...not that it matters, I'll still devour you all!"

"Shut the hell up!" Ryuko yelled as she dashes at Scarlet. "I'll kill you before you can lift a finger!"

"Ryuko wait." Senket said.

Ryuko wasn't listening to him as she was about to swing her scissor blade at Scarlet, until a Grimm appeared holding Mako. The Grimm snarled as he howled, the other Grimm stopped as they turned their attention to the new Grimm.

"Let her go!" Ryuko snarled.

The Grimm that was holding Mako snarled as it sprouted wings. "NO!"

Everyone was shocked, expect Scarlet as she claps her hands. "Very good, my pet. Take Mako away please." She grins as she looks at Satsuki and the others. "That Grimm, is the hound...the first of the Grimm kind, that can speak. Aside from me that is, he was a project Salem was working on...sadly, that torch was passed onto me." She started to laugh as she grabbed Ryuko by the chin and traced her nail along her face.

"Back off!" Ryuko snapped at Scarlet as she hits her hand away.

"Ara ara, feisty aren't we?" Scarlet asked as she walked away as she took a deep breath. "Ah, speaking of comes Ragyo now."


Ragyo was pissed, she was riding in on a giant ball of Life Fibers. Which was bigger then the academy.

"Mommy is pissed!" Ragyo snarled as she looked down below. "You, how dare you!"

Scarlet grinned as she flew into the air as the Nevermore's followed her into the sky. Ryuko snarled as she also flew into the sky, she wasn't going to let Scarlet get away nor was she convinced that she was still related to Satsuki.

Ragyo noticed Ryuko and noticed Satsuki down below. Nui wasn't around anymore, she needed a new puppet to do her dirty work. But with Scarlet in the way, her plans were falling apart.

"So, you've made it this far?" Scarlet asked. "I'm surprised you didn't just drown like a good girl...Ah what the hell, this just makes killing you lot a whole more fun!" She giggled as she spun around in the air. "Oh, don't worry...I've already told your children what you did...but poor poor Ryuko isn't buying any of it. Why don't you be a good mother and tell her..."

Ragyo ignored Scarlet as she had one of her sewing needle swords in her hand and threw it at Scarlet. "DIE!!"

"That move again?" Scarlet asked as she laughed. "HA! Funny....but I'm not laughing." She used her Maiden powers as she threw several fire balls at the sewing needle sword and at Ragyo. "Oh did I forgot to mention....I'm a Maiden now. The Fall Maiden..." She rose her arm up into the air as she cackles. "Now let there be despair and depression among you fools! For you all are just my pawns waiting to be gobbled up by me."

The sewing needle melted as the fire balls hit Ragyo lightly burning her, the sky darkened once more, as Scarlet laughed. Wind began to blow as ice and hail fell from the sky, the Grimm glanced up at the sky as their eyes glowed red before looking back at the students and the other people.

"Oh crap, we're cornered." Nonon said.

"Go to hell!" Ryuko yelled as she flew at Scarlet, she wasn't paying Ragyo no mind whatsoever. "I will kill you, and get Mako back!"

Scarlet grinned as the Nevermore swoops down and clawed at Ryuko. "Sorry I can't hear you, you're being mauled to death." She glanced back at Ragyo and shot her arm forward firing multiple fire blast at her, which then turned into glass.

The shards of glass stabbed into Ragyo as she was taken back by this, and let out a gasp. Ryuko slashed at the Nevermore with her extended scissor blade killing the Nevermore. "Senket, lets do this, she's going to pay!"

Scarlet flew at Ragyo as she swung Black Rose at her, slicing her arms off. "Oops, did I make a boo boo? Aw, I'm sorry.."

Ragyo smirks. "You're a fool." Her arms began to reattach as the life fibers in her body put her arms back in place. "Now then...where were we?"

"Don't you ignore me!" Ryuko yelled.

Scarlet glared back at her as she looked back at Ragyo. "Excuse me...your daughter is being a pain." She flew at Ryuko and gabbed her by the face with her Nevermore claws. "Me and your mother were talking!" She threw Ryuko down and chased after her. "Time for you to be my dinner!"

Ryuko crashed down into the ground of the academy as she was covered in bruises. "D-Damn it! I can't move.."

"Ryuko, look out." Senket said.

Ryuko quickly looked up as Scarlet came down at quick speed, Satsuki moved as her body had moved on it's own. Blocking Scarlet from Ryuko, this was a weird moment for Ryuko to experience.

"The hell? Why did you save me?" Ryuko asked.

Satsuki had her sword stabbed in Scarlet's abdomen as she was silent for a moment deepening the blade. "My body moved on it's own, don't ask why...Scarlet's right, we're sisters..."

"Aw, how sweet.." Scarlet said. "But all this sweet talk is making me want to puke!" She grins as she yanks the sword out from her abdomen and laughed, she stopped as she puts her mouth over Satsuki's head as her Grimm hunger grew, she gulped  down Satsuki as everyone watched in horror as this was happening.

"N-No...." Gamagori said. "LADY SATSUKI!!!!"

Scarlet grins again as she swallowed the remainder of Satsuki. "Delicious..." She laughed again as she flew into the air. "How do you feel now, your precious sister is gone, you lose this fight Ryuko!"


Ryuko's blood was boiling as Senket took notice of this, she slowly stood up and glanced up at Scarlet with anger in her eyes.

"Forget about yourself for a second and try saving others. Don't wield your power for your own sake. Because getting trapped by your own hate and acting out of pure self-interest... makes you the furthest thing from a hero." Scarlet said as she pulled out Satsuki's shoulder pad from her mouth. "Bleh, oh well. She's gone now!" She threw it down and snickered.

"You..." Ryuko said as she gritted her teeth, her blood boiled more as Senket looked up at her.

"Ryuko, calm down, your blood it's getting too hot. I'll lose control..." Senket said.

Scarlet mocked her as she waved her finger while laughing. "AHAHAHAHA!"

Ryuko gritted her teeth more as she finally snapped, her blood had gotten too hot for Senket to handle as they both lost control, eventually turning into a monster mutation.

Scarlet's eyes widen with glee and joy as she pops her neck. "Ara ara, look what the cat dragged in." She glanced up at Ragyo. "Are you not amused at what your daughter has become? A freakish monster of nature."

Ragyo looked down as she didn't have any words to say, yet she seemed rather amused at what would happen. She had noticed blood spew out from this monstrous form of Ryuko, which was something that had her interest. "Hmph, tell you what....if you can kill her, I will resume our fight."

Scarlet had a devilish grin on her face as she glanced over to Ryuko. "HAHAHAHA! What a glorious idea." She flew down and landed in front of Ryuko. "It's time I end your life. The weak are destined to lie beneath the boots of the strong. If that angers you, overcome your deficits." She swung Black Rose around her and did Ruby's scythe pose as she snickered.

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