Chapter 5 (To Defend your Friend)

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1:24 a.m

Makoto was tossing and turning in his sleep but acting a little strange,he was having a nightmare. He couldn't stop the visions of the video he saw... about his family but his view went black and he heard a very similar voice.

???: Makoto... help me..."

The voice was Sayaka's, and when Makoto looked back to see why he hears her voice... he saw an even more horrifying scene. A black silhouette with a knife just about to stab Sayaka. You could see the fear in her eyes. He tried to run and save her but he couldn't move and tried to scream but his voice was gone. And suddenly Sayaka's voice got louder...

Sayaka: Help me... Makoto. Help me. Help ME! HELP ME!"

Makoto shot up like a rocket from the bed and remembered he and Sayaka switched rooms . Makoto believed Sayaka was in danger. He got some shoes on as fast as he could and bolted out the door and made it to his own room where Sayaka was. It had scratches all over the place and then he heard Sayaka screaming.


Makoto looked over to see Leon with a screwdriver trying to unscrew the door. Makoto thought Leon was going to kill Sayaka, and the knife in his hand really wasn't helping... Makoto knew he had to do something and as soon as that door opened Makoto ran up to Leon and charged right into him. The both of them crashed right into the wall but Makoto hit the wall head first. Makoto's head started bleeding from bashing into the wall.


Makoto suddenly got to weak to stand and seemed dizzy. He then collapsed to the ground.

Leon: "Aw shit! Dude are you ok!?"

Makoto: "Why the hell are you here? And why were you trying to kill Sayaka?"

Leon: "I didn't have a choice! She was trying to kill me!"

Makoto: "Stop lying! Sayaka would never hu-"

Sayaka: "Both of you stop... Leon's right."

Makoto was paralyzed about what he just heard. And Leon was shocked to hear her say the truth.

Sayaka: "I tried to kill him... just to escape, and I was going to frame you." Sayaka at this point was crying during this confession. "It's all my fault... and now look what happened because of me!"

Makoto couldn't believe what he was hearing but he couldn't help but feel empathetic.

Leon: "Don't blame yourself. Look i'm sorry for the wrist but I can't forgive myself for losing control of my emotions. I mean I went up to my room to get a screwdriver and kill you. All I had to do was just stay there!" Leon was mad at himself for what his emotions almost caused him to do. "I mean... if I didn't have that knife in my hand... none of this bullshit would've happened."

Aoi: "Wait, what happened?" Everyone jumped a little due to Aoi's random appearance along with Sakura.

Sayaka: "How long... have you two been there?"

Sakura: "A while."

After that Sakura tried to patch Makoto and Sayaka's wounds and they all tried to clean up the room to make it look like nothing happened. They patched Sayaka's wound easily, but Makoto's was a little harder.

Makoto: "Listen... we can't let Monokuma trick us into killing each other and we can't tell anyone what happened here. No matter what."

Everyone else agreed to keep this a secret from everyone else.

Leon: "You're right... it's his damn fault all this happened."

Sakura: "Agreed."

Sayaka: "If... you guys don't mind can you give me and Makoto some along time?"

Leon: "Yeah sure... i'll return the knife first thing in the morning."

Aoi: "You got it. Rest up you two."

The others left and Makoto decided to take a seat on the bed.

Sayaka: "I still feel really bad about trying to frame you... You should've just let me die..."

Makoto: "No, you don't deserve to die."

Sayaka: "Yes I do! You bashed your head against the wall which could've caused a concussion all because I tried to kill someone."

Makoto: "Could be worse, I mean... i'm not dead."

Sayaka: "You can easily look on the bright side of everything... i'm such a selfish person... I was gonna frame you for murder just to escape!" Sayaka burst into tears with her hands in her face. "You're a far better person than I could ever be! I-I DON'T DESERVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND! YOU EVEN RISKED YOUR LIFE JUST TO PROTECT SOMEONE SO AWFUL LIKE ME!" Makoto then hugged her and patted her on the head.

Makoto: "Sayaka stop... you're not a bad person. You even admitted to your mistake... no one could admit something like that."

Sayaka stopped crying and looked up at Makoto.

Sayaka: "I suppose you're right... do you mind... staying in here... with me?" Makoto's face flashed to red instantly when he realized they'd be sleeping in the same bed.

Makoto: "Huhwah!? Wait... are you sure. I mean you said it yourself it'd be awkward if we slept in the same bed before we switched."

Sayaka: "I know but then again, it's probably our safest bet."

Makoto: "Yeah, you're right. I made a promise to protect you, that i'll get you out of this place. And that's exactly what I plan to do... wait Sayaka?" Sayaka didn't hear that last part, she ended up falling asleep in Makoto's arms with her head pressed against his chest. Makoto couldn't help but feel flustered and then tucked her into the bed along with himself. "I made I promise to protect you... and i'm going to keep it... even if I have to sacrifice my own life." The two of them fell asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the night.

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