- Prologue -

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Avalyn Black, the daughter of 'Mass Murderer' Sirius Black.

Throughout the years she spent at her Uncle Remus and Aunt Tonk's home in the meaning she didn't have a father nor mother figure to raise her, she had not grown a reputation nor had the chance to make such as one simple friend. By what would be her fifth year, (well would it have been if she attended hogwarts) her Aunt and Uncle felt she was simply already upto date with the students at hogwarts because of the lessons her Uncle had been so kind to provide her with, but he felt it was the right time that she should start to attend to hogwarts.

Avalyn was no ordianary looking girl, she didnt look different, it would be the other people that would look different, it was her who would stand out in a group of normal looking teenagers due to her beautiful features she was so lucky to behold.

Her hair was just below shoulder length, her brown wavy curls that made her ever so charming
matched perfectly with her ocean blue eyes.

But now, it is now her time to show that to others not her caring Father, Uncle and Aunt, she now needed to show herself to nothing other than Hogwarts.


Hey guys! Thank you for reading the first part of this novel. This is going to be a fun journey writing this book, dont forget to leave, votes, comments and suggestions - Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters that belongs to J.K Rowling. I do own Avalyn Black.

Lots of love - Jules

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