Chapter 2

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The next morning was ridiculous. Fred and George had bewitched their trunks to fly downstairs and knocked Ginny and I down two flights of stairs as we were carrying our trunks down. I'd flown down furtherest and slammed against the wall where a portrait was which woke them up and made her scream at the top of her lungs. Mrs Weasley gave us a potion to alleviate the pain but I still felt slightly dizzy.

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE" Mrs Weasley bellowed to everyone else who was still upstairs. I rubbed my head absentmindedly as Ginny fixed her hair and winced at the scratch on her face.

"Harry and Avalyn, you're to come with me and Tonks!" Mrs Weaslet said. "Leave your trunks here- Alastors got the luggage. Oh for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"

I looked down and saw a Black dog that was Dad standing next to me. I grinned at him.

"Oh honestly!" Mrs Weasley said. "Well, on your on head be it! Come on you two".

Mrs Weasley led us to the corner of the street, where Tonks was waiting as an old woman (Did I mention she's a Metamorgphagus?)

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It took us twenty minutes to walk all the way to Kings Cross. Along the was Sirius scared a few cats for Harry and I's amusement, but other than that the walk was utterally boring.

"Nice dog, Harry. Oh who's this"? a boy called, waving us inside Platform 9 3/4.

"Thanks, and this is Avalyn" he replied and I smiled.

"Oh good here's Alastor with the luggage, look!" Mrs Weasley said.

The rest of the family arrived afterward, all rushing to make it on time.

"Well look after yourselves" Lupin said. "You too Ava, be careful".

"Keep your head down and your eyes peeled" Moody said. "And dont forget, all of you.."

Avalyn heard Moody talking but she was more preocupied lookng at the train. It was a wonderful sight.

"Its been nice meeting you all," Tonks said hugging Hermione and Ginny. "I'll see you soon Avalyn, it was great having my little niece".

I smiled and hugged Tonks tight.

"Quick quick!" Mrs Weasley said as the train whistle sounded "Write.. be good... if you've forgotten anything well sent it.. now hurry onto the train now".

Sirius stood up on his hind legs amd propped himself on my shoulders. Harry laughed but Mrs Weasley shrieked.

"For heaven's sake, act more like a dog, Sirius!" She cried.

"Come on" I said pulling Harry's arm and leading him into the train.

"He shouldnt have came with us" Hermione said, watching Sirius as the train began to move.

"It should be fine" I said "He hasnt seen real daylight for months".

"Shall we go find a compartment then?" Harry asked.

Hermione and Ron looked at eachother.

We have to um, well-" Ron said but Harry cut him off.

"Prefect carriages right" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded. " I dont think we have to stay there all the journey" she said quickly "Our letters said we just get instructions from Head boy and Girl there- and then patrol the corridors from time to time".

"Well see you later then" Harry said

"Yeah definitely," Ron said "it's a pain having to go down there... I'd rather- but we have to- I mean i'm not enjoying it. Im not Percy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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