Chapter 1

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By the time I had explained to Harry what I was doing here, he didnt seem one bit suprised on my arrival. I pulled my rather heavy trunk into what seemed to be the living room and although I knew I couldnt take in every detail of my surrounding since it was still dark, that this was a wonderful house, im sure father called it the 'Burrow'.

I leaned my trunk against something while Harry took a seat on a couch that was near a fireplace, I walked to join him but I stopped dead in my tracks  I then turned around to see my trunk had collapsed onto the floor and a lamp must have came tumbling down with it and had broken into shards. I gasped and rushed quickly went to fix it, "RepairoOO" I shouted but it got cut out as I was now lifted off my feet and was flying straight towards a wall. Then it all went Black.

"Arthur why did you stun her, she could have been seriously injured" I heard a muffled voice say.

I slowly opened my eyes repeatitivly until I could see four redheads, one brunette and Harry peering over me and I quickly shot up. "Mum shes awake" one of the redheads said.

  "Oh deery me" Said another redhead (which I presumed was their mother).

"Hello dear Im Molly, this is my husband Arthur" she pointed to another redhead who had a rather guilty look on his face, "This is Fred, George", she said to me while putting her hands on the identical twins shoulders. "And this is Ginny, Ron, Harry and their friend Hermione. I have three other children but they are much older and preocupied with work" she said and then smiled at me.

"Please to meet you all" I said warmly.

"Go on whats your name, we already gave ours" Fred said with a smirk. "Im Avalyn and also how long was I unconsious for" I asked. "Almost all twenty-four hours" Ron laughed.

"I best be off, I need to make Dinner and I hear someone special will be arriving any minute" Molly said, "Kids  give her a tour" then she left down the stairs with Arthur following behind.

I got out of the bed I was in and briskly followed the siblings and the two friends down the stairs, they gave me a tour of the house then we headed down for Dinner.

I sat down in between Harry and Ginny, she was being very nice and kept saying how wonderful it was to have a new face here.

I was having a conversation with my uncle Remus asking why he was here and then I said "I wonder when dad will be here, if he's even coming"  and of course as on the perfect timing he barged in leaving the door bang on the wall making everyone jump in suprise. I rose from my seat and ran into his arms, "Dad" I exclaimed,  "Dad?" almost everyone said in unison.

We sat down and Uncle Remus explained everything to everyone, why it wasnt safe for me to attend to hogwarts and how I was now ready to go. We ate Dinner and we headed up to Ginny and Hermione's bedroom were my trunk was now lying next to what happened to be a guest bed. We all chatted for ages and then it was time to give it a rest and head to bed.

Over the rest of the summer she had gotten to know all of them much better and the twins considered of her as a distant cousin that had just magically appeared which made Avalyn laugh.

She was filled in with all the intresting adventures that the trio had gone through, usually when they told people the stories they couldnt care less but Avalyn was thrilled everytime she heard something new because being her, she wasnt able to experience those type of incidents.

Harry came back in the afternoon the next day, and he announced he has not been expelled.

"I knew it" Ron yelled. "You always get away with stuff!"

I hugged Harry catching him off guard almost resulting on us tumbling down.

"They were bound to clear you" Hermione said excitedly "There was no case against you, none at all!"

"Everyone seemed quite relieved though, considering they all knew I'd get off," Harry said.

The twins and Ginny had begun to do a war dance with a chant that repeated "He got off" several times.

"Thats enough, settle down! Me Weasley said, though he was smiling. " then, Sirius, Lucius Malfoy was at the ministry".

"He got off, he got off, he got off-"

"Really?" I asked

"Be quiet you three" Mr Weasley said sharply. "Yes Talitha, he was. We saw him talking to Fudge on level nice, then they went up to Fudge's office together. Sirius- I think Dumbledore ought to know. Talitha, dont worry too much about it".

"But Mr Weasley-" I began

"Really, it's alright" he said "Nothing too big..Well I'd better be going, theres a vomiting toilet in Bethnal Green waiting for me. Molly, I'll be late, im covering for Tonks, but Kingsley might be dropping in for dinner-"

"he got off, he got off, he got off, he got off-"

"Thats enough- Fred - George - Ginny!" Mrs Weasley said. "Harry dear, come and sit down, have some lunch, you hardly ate breakfast."

Harry told Ron, Hermione and I all about the trial, and eating rather quickly.

"Course once Dumbledore turned up on your side there was no way they were going to convict you!" Ron said.

"Yeah he swung it for me," Harry said. "I wish he'd talked to me though, or even looked at me". 

Then he hissed slightly, touching his scar with his hand.

"Whats wrong" I asked.

"Nothing" he said. " happens all the time now.."

I looked at Hermione, who appeare to be very anxious finding this out.

Ginny, George and Fred were still singing. Ron began to speak louder. "I bet Dumbledore turns up this evening to celebrate with us, you know!"

"I dont think he'll be able to, Ron" Mrs Weasley said. "Hes really very busy at the moment".


"SHUT UP" Mrs Weasley screamed, making Ron and I laugh as Ginny jumped slightly.

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