The Secret Daughter

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"Wake Up Harry, Harry hurry up wake up" Hermione said eagerly.

Harry groaned and instantly opened his eyes as Hermione began shoving him harshly off his bed. "What Hermione, its 7am" Harry said observing his watch that Sirius had given him.

"Speak of the Devil" Hermione murmmed before shoving Harry again with much more force "Get Up Harry" she watched as Harry hesitated for a moment "NOW" Shouted Hermione, "Sirius just arrived a few minutes ago and Molly thought you ought to know so she told me to wake you up and tell you" Hermione said as Harry and her approached the door.

Harry and Hermione had been staying at the burrow for most of the summer that they had had already, at the start it was rather gloomy especially when Harry would awake in the middle of the night and find himself sweating and panting all because of the nightmares he was having. Towards the middle of the summer they now were all rather happy and joyful since they got to have a break but Ron and Harry knew it wouldnt last for a certain someone named Hermione with her stressing about the OWLS they needed to take next year.

Harry made his was way down the stairs towards Sirius and a grin appeared on his face. "Sirius" Harry exclaimed whilst Sirius turned to face Harry and in seconds the were in a rather long man hug. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked still with a smile on his face, "Well to see you all of course, and on a rather depressing note all the order stuff, blah blah blah" Sirius explained

A few hours had past and the trio then found themselves talking to each other when all of a sudden 'CRACK' the twins appeared, "You old hags are boring talking about schoolwork" Said George, "Yeah, I bet you wanna hear something a little more intresting" Fred then said.

The twins began walking out the room and the trio shared quizical glances with each other before getting to their feet and following the twins. The twins pulled out things that were they presumed were extendable ears. They carefully lowered them down until they were in hearing point of the order.

"Sirius we ought to tell the kids, shes going to hogwarts and they need to know" Lupin says.

"I know, I know Remus but Im not going to tell them now, shes coming tommorow, the will get the chance to meet her tommorow" Sirius said.

"How can we know she will be upto standards with the rest off the students, surely you dont want her falling behind and becoming a nuisance, do you?"

"Snapes in the order?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yeah because Dumbledore trusts him apparantly, git" Ron replied.

"She will become no such thing because I, have been teaching her everything she needs to know for her age leve.." the last of the talking was cut out and they all peered down to see what the problem with the ear was and sure enough crookshanks was the causing of it.

"Crookshanks no!" Hermione exclaimed. By then Crookshanks had ripped the ear off the string and mischievously trotted of with the ear in his mouth. "Bad Crookshanks" Hermione Sighed.

"We best head to bed if someone news coming, wouldnt wanna miss out on our beauty sleep" George and Fred said in Unison.

They all headed to bed and went to sleep as Mrs Weasley came into each of their bedrooms to say goodnight. But there was one who couldnt sleep, not because of Rons obnoxious snoring but because he wondered who the newcomer would be.

Harry awoke the next morning to find it was only 5:06am, he tried and tried to go back to sleep but he eventually gave up so he creeped down the stairs almost tripping on the last step and he went to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. His cup was halfway filled when he was startled to a very loud 'Bang' that came from near the entrance of the Burrow. He put his cup down and slowly pulled his wand out as he walked to where he had heard such ruckus.

He was alamared to see a girl lying on the floor with what seemed to be her trunk lying next to her, he instinctively shoved his wand into his pocket and picked up her trunk so it was standing upright, he helped the poor girl up and then said "Hello, Im Harry" he smiled nevously at the girl, he wasnt taken back by her being here, it was more her appearance - in less words, she was stunning. "Im Avalyn, Avalyn Black" she said and a smile grew on her face, Harry stood there like he was about to be sick, he visible paled, she seemed to notice this and then said "Are you alright?" She put her hand up to Harrys head obviously to check his temperature and his face turned from looking like Malfoys hair to a Bright red tomato, "Black?" he questioned "Yes you heard correctly" Avalyn chuckled. "Im Sirius's daughter" She said with a smile.

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