StarDazzle Awards 2020: 2nd Runner Up

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Congratulations on your win contessavc. We are glad you could take some time out of your schedule for this interview.

How does it feel to be one of the winners of our Stardazzle Awards? Did you see it coming?

I definitely didn't see it coming, but I was very happy to receive it!

Congratulations once again. Your book Muse was the 2nd runner up in our awards among all the genres. What do you think set your book apart from everyone else's?

Maybe the emotions that are bundled in each chapter? I think MUSE is a very emotional book that many people can relate to.

Are there any secrets from the book (that aren’t in the blurb), you can share with your readers?

Secrets? Hm... Perhaps that the little boy is inspired by someone I know in real life. Does that count? Lol!

That definitely counts. Can you share your favourite snippet that isn't in the blurb or excerpt?

I can't pick any haha. I love them all :)

What is the significance of the title?

It sums up the main idea: how the boy has become the little angel's greatest muse.

What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?

I think the most difficult thing to do is to weave the emotions so that the reader can empathize with the little angel's struggles.

What was the highlight of writing this book?

When I decided to input the poem I had written as the closing. It was definitely unplanned, but I'm glad I did it.

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book?

That writing this book helped a lot with my process to make peace and let go of the past.

Yeah, Writing is like therapy sometimes. I glad to hear it did that for you.

Are you working on anything at the present, would like to share with your readers?

Yes, I've been working on a new book which basically tells story about when a rookie idol is trying to establish her career, and also find love at once. She'll later discover there's much more than she's asked for when those two things hit her life at once.

Wow sounds like a thrilling tale. How do you research your books?

I'd usually browse the information I need right away when I'm writing, or sometimes I'd do some further research as soon as I'm done writing the chapter.

We loved your book and I am sure our readers too. So its great hearing about all the work you put into it. We would also love to get to know you better with these random almost personal questions. Ha, we know. It's a little unorthodox but we like to mix it up. Are you ready?

Of course! Bring it on :D

Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter?

Endless summer for sure! I'm not so good in dealing with the low temperature lol

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Probably... Determined, warm, and ambitious.

What is the weirdest search query you have ever input in your browser all in the name of research?

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