Part.II TurkeyXGreeceSister

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(1190 words folks :0)
Turkish -
×Kari *Wife
×Koca *Husband
×Baba *Father
×Anne *Mother
Greek -
×Canim *Flower
[Let me know if I'm wrong].

Title: Best Baba

You are quite excited for what you have in store for him. You hear the door to your home open and close, and a familiar heart-warming voice is heard, 

"Kari?" He says, as he places down his things. You run to him from the living room and give him the warmest hug. 

"Sadi!" You say, as he lets out a warm chuckle. Your heart flutters at the sound as you look up to his beautiful eyes. How they manage to sparkle, you wonder till this day. 

"Kari, could you call me Koca? At least once and a while is good for me." He says, having his arms wrapped around you adoringly.

"Okay.." you carefully release yourself from his embrace. He stares at you curiously, while his face lays a content look. You smile before saying, 

"..Koca" and he grins at you. You turn to sit on a coach in the living room and pull his hands to sit next to you. He does so, and takes off his mask to place it on a table beside him. Now that it was just you and him, he can finally let loose. He starts to relax on the couch and you gently nudge him with your arm, earning a humming sound and a look of question on his face. 

"I have something to give you" You say enthusiastically, and this further rouses his curiosity. He sits up slightly as you rummage through a bag by you. 

"Oh? What is it?" He asks, unable to contain his excitement when he smiles idly. Watching you dig in the bag.

"While you were out working, I got this little gift." You pull out a box and he cautiously takes it from your hands. Looking at it interestingly, he takes his eyes off of it and looks at you. 

"Shall I open it?" He says, with the amount of excitement matching that of an overjoyed toddler.  

"Go ahead!" His face lights up and he lifts the lid off the box and places it on a table. He unfolds some paper and sees a small pair of shoes. For a moment, he stares at them confused. He blinks a bit than his eyes widen in realization. 

"Kari, is-is..this what I think it means?" He looks at you. You nodded and smiled. Slight tears threaten to fall from your eyes, just out of glee. He moves the box to a table and stands up. He immediately takes you up in the air, his face the most precious you've ever seen it be. His eyes were nearly closed, and his cheeks a slight tint out of joy. For a moment, it felt like all in the world was right. Where your heart raced, at one of the most purest moments between you and Sadik. He gently brings you back to the ground, and hugs you tightly, but not too tight.

"Y/n..I..I don't know what to say" he pulls away but you remain in his arms. He wipes the small bits of tears from your face, and a slight grim look made way. 

"Do you think I will be a good father?" He says as he and you slowly sit on the couch. You understand why he feels the need to question himself. Sadik's past does hold a lot of baggage, and he may have some rowdy habits. But those don't beat the best parts of him. He's passionate, daring, and deeply cares and protects those he holds dear. If anything, he'd make the grandest of Dads. You could tell him these things now, but that wouldn't be enough to settle his insecurities. For now, you grab his hand gently and kiss it, taking your newly-wed hubby out of his worry-inducing thoughts. 

“Koca, please don't stress. We now have something on its way” and from your words, he relaxed his tensed shoulders and pulled you closer to him. He lets out a sigh as he takes in the scent of you. 

“You’re right, Kari" you smile into his chest, and stay cuddled next to him.

"I don't know why you have to ask" you say, as you sigh while he looks at you, 

"I can tell you'll make a splendid father" He blushes lightly before shaking his head in light denial. He then kisses you on the head. "In time, he'll know," you thought. Then out of the soft silence, he laughs. 

"What's so funny?" You ask, looking at your other half. 

"You're brother is gonna lose it" 
You roll your eyes, "Oh please. I'm sure he'd like the company of our child" He turns and grins at you, 

"Not that. But what I did to you" he smirks and you sit there, trying to understand what he meant. While you sat there thinking, he leans in and whispers,

"To have a child" You blush a deep crimson and whack his arm with a pillow, as another laugh erupts from your Turkish husband. 

Time flew by, and now you help your daughter put on the shoes you bought almost two years ago. You and Sadik named her Açelya. She's compassionate and proud like her father. But gentle and sweet like her mother. There would be times where'd she run up to the both of you and give you the sweetest of hugs. 

For whatever reason she'd call you, it always filled your heart up with so much pride. More than one could ever imagine. 

"Anne!" She said to you, lifting a hand to reach for yours. You looked at her and smiled, taking her hand. You look down to your daughter, and see her wear a little smile. 

"Canim, let's go see your father" you say, and she nods happily. When the two of you walk to the park, you both immediately spot Sadik and she runs to hug him. 

"Baba!" She nearly shouts in enthusiasm. Attacking your lover helplessly. He looks down at his green-eyed daughter and pulls her up so he can carry her. He smiles when she giggles. He boops her nose gently with his finger, and she presses her lips in a thin line. Her eyes widen in confusion, and surprise. He laughs at her face, softly placing her on the ground. Hand in hand to greet your approaching figure. 

"Here comes your Anne" he says softly, looking down at Açelya. She looks at you with a smile like her father's, while repeatedly opening and closing her empty hand to catch yours. You chuckle at her cute antics and accept her hand. While the three of you walk to a candy store, you ask Açelya what she thinks of her father,

"He's the best!" She exclaims, the same proud grin flashed on her face. She then looks ahead of herself and you gently plant a kiss on Sadik's cheek. Making him red by showing a small bit of affection in public, before gently leaning close to him and whispering,

"I told you so" in his ear, before continuing to walk and laugh at his stunned face along the way.

I hope you enjoyed it :]
This one took some time, as this is the first time I've written fluff TT
Anywho, I gotta go do stuff. But I hope you had a pleasant read :)
And Ooh boIi, I love soft Sadi<3
Kayy, goodbye for now my fries ^^

Author-San 02.02.21 m/d/y

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