His Title

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After Error's breakfast, Palette dragged him to the garden so they could play. The other kids were also there, they were: Goth, Faith, Crescent, Desire, and Sprinkles. When they spotted Error, they immediately ran over to him and asking him to play with them. Error smiled nervously and told them that he wasn't good at playing children's games.

"It's okay, Mr. Error! All you have to do is find us, but no magic please!" Faith told him, Error chuckled and turned towards a big tree to count from 50 backwards. The kids scattered themselves through the garden and hid in different places. Crescent was hiding in the rose bushes, Faith was hiding up in a tree near the rose bush, Goth was hiding in the bushes next to the castle with Palette by his side, Desire and Sprinkles were hiding amongst the big sunflower patch.

As soon as Error finished counting, he looked around mischievously for the kids. He bolted in the garden, looking around the beautiful flowers and plants, but he didn't damage them of course.
Error looked everywhere for the kids, then he heard rustling in the bushes near the castle. He smirked and crept towards the bush, seeing two skeletons giggling to themselves. Error pounced and said, "FOUND YOU!" He laughed triumphantly. "Aww! Dang it!" Palette and Goth said simultaneously.

The two kids went out and Error continued looking around. He looked at the patch of sunflowers and- "GAME OVER!" Error looked back at where he was counting and saw both Faith and Crescent smiling like winners. "We won!" Faith exclaimed. Error was slightly confused because he had low experience in this game, but he still smiled even if he lost.

"Can we play again?!" Palette said to Error with stars in his eyes. Error was about to nod until "Error! Can you come over here? We need you!" A voice that belonged to Nightmare, called from inside the castle. So Error told them that he'll play another time. The kids seem to understand, so they said goodbye to Error politely and went off to play with each other again.

Error then walked back to the castle and went into the throne room. He stood a few feet in front of the two thrones with the twins sitting on them. On their sides stood their loyal bodyguards and lovers. Cross was standing on Dream's side while Killer was standing on Nightmare's side. All four of them were wearing formal outfits rather than the usual ones they wear whenever they leave the AU.

Error bowed down to the twins because he has no idea how to greet them. Both twins raised a bone brow at Error. Nightmare signaled him to stop bowing. "Error, that isn't necessary for you to do, okay? As far as I know, WE should be bowing down to you. Great Destroyer of Worlds."
Error gave a confused look at them. Dream and Nightmare both stood up from their thrones then all four of them bowed down to Error.

Error didn't know how to respond was very confused right now. Then Ink came into the room and saw Error's confused face. The others stopped bowing and Ink explained to Error about it.
"Let me explain, Error." Ink carefully placed his hand on Error's shoulder and made him look up at the windows around the throne room. Four pairs were facing each other, but one of the windows was plain and blank.

The first pair shows a dark night sky with small bits of stars and a crescent moon on the left side while the right side shows a sunny day with a rainbow.
The second pair shows a black apple of negativity on the left side and a golden apple of positivity on the right side.
The third pair shows a scythe and burning hellfire on the left side while the right side shows a halo with the gates of heaven behind it.
The last pair shows a plain blank window on the left while the right side shows a brush that burst out several colors of the rainbow.

"So these are the balances." Ink started explaining to him. He pointed at the first pair of windows. "This pair represents the balance of Light and Darkness. The second pair represents the balance of Emotions." He said while showing him the second pair of windows.
"The third pair represents the balance of Life and Death as well as Good and Evil." He said as he proceeds to show him the last pair. "And this is the balance of Creation and Destruction." He finished while showing him the pair.

Error was confused about why the window that represents Destruction has nothing in it. "Why isn't there anything on side of Destruction?" He asked them. Ink sighed and told him "Because before you arrived we never had a destroyer before. And now that you're here, we can finally balance the multiverse together!" Ink said with excitement in his voice and eyes.

"Wait a minute... How did you know I was the destroyer?" Error asked them confusedly. "Well, that because there's only one of you in each Multiverse. And as far as I know, you didn't belong in that old multiverse of yours." Ink said to him sympathetically while giving a light smile.
Error had a shocked expression, how did he figure out that he was from another Multiverse? "You belong here, Error. We accept everyone to join our peaceful Multiverse, as long as they don't ruin the balance of course." Ink said. "Yeah, because ruining the balance means disturbing the peace of our multiverse, and we never want that to happen." Cross spoke up and added.

"We know you just arrived here yesterday, but we want to welcome you as a part of our family, Error." Dream spoke up. "So, will you accept the title as the Destroyer of Worlds of our Multiverse?" He asked him.


If you're wondering how I release chapters real fast it's because I use an app called Pure Writer where I write chapters in advance before releasing them to public. It's great to use if you don't want to lose progress on the thing you're writing UwU

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