ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8

800 15 2

Tw: party,gun

It was Mike.
Mike: Hey how are you?

Skye: I'm good how are you?
Billie: "So who is that?"
She directly pulled my phone aggressively out of my hands.

Skye: "you can't just take my phone" i said while raising my voice and being annoyed. I mean why doesn't she just trust me.

Billie: "Agh not this Mike boy again" she said and scrolling up the chat. I pulled my phone back.

Skye: "Are you fucking kidding? I don't scroll through your phone either!" I was fucked up but i got a message from Mike again.
Mike: I'm good again! I talked with my therapist about my problems and i feel 100% better!

Skye: that's good to hear!

Mike: Do you wanna come to this party at Vinne's house?

Mike: Of course with Billie!
I was not sure asking billie because she will probably get mad but hey we have finally holidays.

Skye: "Mike asks us if we wanna come to the party from vin-"
Billie: "What the fuck skye!? You wanna go?? He just wanna fuck you and that's it"

Skye: "Agh Billie! First he's not trying to fuck me and second you're going to be on my side ,right?"

I saw her thinking about it but then she took a deep breath and said...

Billie: "Well okay but you will not leave my side!"
Skye: "Never!"

Does she really think I'm going to cheat on her?? Well i have also trust issues but i really trust billie! But why does she don't trust me???
Well i don't want to break my head!

The party starts at 9pm so i only had 1 hour left to get ready. We're by the way at my house because i want to change for the party to get in party mood. Well Billie just goes in her outfit that she wore the whole day. But her outfit is daddy 😜

That's my party fit:

That's my party fit:

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My hair and makeup:

And this is Billie's fit:

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And this is Billie's fit:

And this is Billie's fit:

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Hot how always!

Billie drove because she said that she's not going get drunk. She does not drink much alcohol in general because she doesn't react good to it.

We got to the party and only the first step into the house the smell of drugs and alcohol came into our noses.

Well I'm pretty used to it because i was one of this kids who smoked all of this kind of drugs. I'm still sometimes doing it but I'm trying to get away from it. It's really not good for my health and especially for my mental health. I used to smoke everytime when i was upset.

Billie put her hand around my hips to show that I'm taken. Alot of boys giving my this looks what make me feel uncomfortable. One boy came to me even he saw that i was with Billie. That guy was definitely drunk and he's probably a senior or some.

Boy: "you're hot" he said while looking at my b00bs.
I covered them with my hand so he stops staring.
Skye: "Disgusti-"
Billie: "Say one thing and i will beat you"

The boy literally run away like a dog.
Billie and i laughed but i could see that she was still mad at this guy.

Skye: "Wait there is Mike! Let's go to him"

without letting billie talk i pulled her on her hand to Mike direction.
He stood there with Vinne and Henry in the kitchen were the drinks are standing.

Vinne is a really good friend of mine but we didn't talked alot recently. It made me really upset because we were really close friends. We know eachother since Day 1 and now i feel like we're strangers. This thought make me actually wanna cry but hey he's not gone.

Vinne: "Omg Skye! I haven't seen you for a long time" i hugged him for quite a long. I totally forgot that billie was standing there. I also hugged Mike and Henry.

Mike: "Nice to see you guys!"
Skye: "it's nice to see you"

Billie: "hey bro where the alcohol free drinks?"
Vinne: "There still in the fridge"

Billie went to the fridge and i could see in her movement that she was unsure to leave but she did.

Henry: "Are you good with the others again?"
Skye: "Well i haven't talked to them since the fight but to be honest i feel much better without them being in my present"

I noticed Mike looking on my top and licking his lips. I didn't pay much attention to him tho.

Vinne: "How is Kevin doing? Is he still with Rose?"
Skye: "He's good and yeah he's still with her."
Henry: "Does it not bother you that she's with him together?"
Skye: "Well no unless she does something to me but she didn't"

I looked multiple times to the fridge to see if Billie is there because she been gone for quite a bit but there where to much people that i couldn't see anything. Well maybe it's just because I'm a tiny bitch.

Henry talked some shit and i was still looking where billie is but i still didn't see her. I don't want to worry much.

Mike: "Bae for who are you looking for?"
Right at the moment billie came with two drinks.
Billie: "bae? She's mine, bastard!" She said while raising her eyebrows but then directly turning to me and ignoring him.

Billie: "Mama here's your drink" she gave me a cup.
Skye: "i hope it's alcohol"
Billie: "well it's not"
Skye: "well than let's get me on"

We both went to get me a new drink.
I got a cup of whiskey and drunk it. After about 1 cups i drinked i was drunk. I just talked shit and billie was keep laughing at me. I talked so much shit without even knowing what I'm saying.

I started kissing Billie. I pushed her against the kitchen countertop. She puts her hands on my hips and kissed my neck. I let a little mo@n out in her ear to tease her.

Oh course nobody let's us alone.

Mike: "You can't fuck in the kitchen"
Skye: "Oh my god just let us alone and we're not fucking in the kitch-"
A loud noise cut me off. It sounded like a gun.

Someone shoot with a gun!

Words: 1082
* author note*
This chapter is really short but the next chapter will come soon.

You Will Be Mine // Billie Eilish Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now