ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9

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TW: Guns, Crying, hurt (only a decent amount)

Someone shoot with a gun!

Billie pulled me by my hand and run with me outside. Everyone was panicking and running out of the house. My view was blurry but i still kept running. We were outside and got into the car.

Skye: "The party isn't over? Where are we driving" i said while my view got more blurry.

Fuck Skye just passed out but i need to drive so far away from the house how possible.

I drove to the Starbucks next to our school. It's about 10 minutes from vinnes house away so i think we're safe here.

I parked and because it's so late I only saw some cars were parking there.

Billie: "hey hey bae" i said while looking at her apple watch to make sure that her pulse is still beating.

I took my water bottle and gave her a sip of water. She's still unconscious but after 30sec she woke up.

Billie: "I'm here skye"
She looked with her blue eyes confused into my face. Even if she's confused she looks like an angel.

Billie: "you're okay?"
Skye: "yes why?" She looked out of the window.

Billie: "Do you remember anything" i said while still holding both of her hands"
Skye: "Well.... we were at this party, right?"
Billie: "yes do you remember more"
She needed some time but than she said:
Skye: "We were with Mike,Vinne and Henry. You got a drink and i was alone with the boys. And mike was weird."

Billie: "what do you mean with weird'"
Skye: "he was keep looking at my shirt and licking his lips. That was weird and scary because you wasn't there at my side."
Billie: "If i see this Motherfucker i will give him a black eye." I said while uncontrolled raising my voice.

Skye: "please don't be loud" she said while looking kinda sad in her face. I can see that she's scared and confused.

Billie: "I'm sorry baby" "Do you remember more?"
Skye: " I think we kissed. Yeah we kissed for a long time. I think it was in the kitchen and then something happened but I'm not sure what."

While saying the last words she burst out of tears. I can't see my girl crying and especially when she is scared.

Billie: "It's okay to cry" seeing and hearing her cry made me tearing up.

After 5 minutes she got out of the hug and i wiped her tears away.

Skye: "Can you tell me what happened?"
Billie: "Not now! Let's go home. I will stay with you! I will not leave your side!"

It was already 11pm so i drove to Skye's house so she's getting some sleep in her bed.

We arrived safe to her house and got to her room. I went with her to the closet to help her to change into her pjs. I had some clothes at her closet so i just changed my pants to sweatpants.

I carried her to the bed because she was totally exhausted.

Skye: "Can we cuddle"
Billie: "I'm going to keep you save"
After 5 minutes i heard her sleeping on my chest. My girl made through alot today. I hope she gets some sleep.

I was at my phone to check if Henry is okay.

Billie: "Hey are you okay?"

You Will Be Mine // Billie Eilish Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now