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Henry: "You guys kissing at the party"
Billie: "Fuck" she said while putting her hands on her face.
Wait but why is billie reacting like that. I mean everyone at our school knows that we're together i guess.

But she's recently acting weird like when I'm trying to kiss her she's looking around if anyone saw us or if someone tells us that we're a cute couple she says that we're just best friends.

I could list thousands of things that are weird in our relationship.I have been ignoring that because Billie is more the type of person who doesn't like to show her emotions. That's how i know her.

Skye: "What?" I asked her confused.
Billie: "How many likes does it has?" She asked Henry while ignoring my question and pulled his phone out to check how many likes it has.
Henry: "400 thousand"
Billie: "Ok thank you bro" she said and just walked away cold without looking at me.

Skye: "Wtf bil where are you going?"
She didn't react so i just walked after her.

Billie got into the car and i quickly sit in the passenger seat.

Skye: "What's happening right now?"
Billie: "It's complicated! You can't come with!"

Skye: „Why is the video such a big deal?" i said with a shaky voice and tears in my eyes.
She didn't say anything.
Billie: „Go back to School! We're talking later!"

Without discussing because i knew it wouldn't help anything i got out of the car.
With every step my tears getting more and my heart gets hurted more. I haven't felt this way since a while.

The last time my heart broke was when my mom died. The first time seeing her in the grave was the hardest part of all. My ex, who cheated on my days after the funeral, was with me and kept me steady. My anxiety to lose someone important became more and more.

I was definitely not going back to school so i just went to my car and fucking cried my eyes out. I haven't felt so bad since a long time.

I felt terrible.

[2 hours later]
I decided to just drive home and luckily nobody was there. I wouldn't be able to make an excuse without getting catch with my puffy eyes and red face.

I let myself fall into my messy bad and cried into my pillow.

After a while crying i got a notification from someone. I just wanted to ignore it but the person whoever spammed me didn't gave up. After couple of minutes i decided to check who it is.

I was expecting that it'll be Billie,since she's still my girlfriend, but it wasn't her. It was Maisy.

It's kinda frustrating how billie isn't texting me to explain what happened. I feel like she's embarrassed to be with me or even that people are seeing me with her. I mean she's FAMOUS and I'm just a girl. Maybe fame changed her. She just popped up with a new song called „lovely" and people are going crazy about that. She's so successful and I'm just her „not knowing what to do with her life" girlfriend.

I feel so worthless.

Maisy i heard about you and Billie. I think you really need now someone to talk. Can i come over and we can talk about everything?

Y/n why do you even care about me?

Maisy i always cared about you just the situation that we're both in is a bit confusing and i don't even know why I'm such a bitch to you and to the others. Maybe it's just my Scorpio moon coming out.

(She's a zodiac sign freak)

Y/n okay come over and we'll talk about everything!


I really don't know if it was the right decision to let her come over. She could literally kill me. This girl is crazy but she's not much different than I am. Doesn't matter how much i hate her i will always have a place for her in my heart. Sounds cheesy i know.

It knocked on the door and in that moment my heart literally fell on the floor. I was so scared because what if Billie gets mad for talking to her. Agh fuck my feelings. Just go for it. I should just stop overthinking.

I went downstairs to open the door. I took a deep breath and finally opened the giant door. And who i saw shooked me.

It was...

I decided to still continue writing this book. It will take me a while to finally get an idea for the book because i still don't know.

If you have any ideas, please be open and tell me if you want!!!

I hope y'all are safe and doing good!! Everything will be okay!!!

And this chapter is a bit short...
Next will be longer, promise!!!

You Will Be Mine // Billie Eilish Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now