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Jimin yawned as he slumped against his desk chair in his room, where he did his homework

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Jimin yawned as he slumped against his desk chair in his room, where he did his homework. He was currently working on an essay that was due in an another two weeks, he had been assigned the assignment today and decided to start on it early. Jimin has always been the studious type, he had no other choice to be. He wasn't allowed to slack off, especially when it came to grades.

He's been working on homework for the past five to six hours, before the essay he had finished chem. He had all the time in the world it seemed and still made the decision to want to finish all his work a week before the deadline. One of his main reasons for doing so is the fact that he can take on more hours at his job if he can get school out of the way.

It was currently getting difficult as he grew more and more tired, along with him forming a headache. He could tell it was his body hinting for him to eat something. Today he barely ate the food given by Taehyung and hasn't eaten anything since. He's been feeling a growing nausea.

He took a break to look away from the bright screen of his laptop and leaned back in his chair. He stared up at the ceiling with a blurred vision and felt himself sink in his seat. The room was dimmed from the one light coming from the computer and awfully quiet due to Jungkook being out for the night. That was what he called him for earlier. He said that he'll be hanging out with friends and will be home in the next morning.

That means Jimin would be alone for the whole night with only himself to entertain. It tempted him to call Taehyung to see what he was doing but hesitated on the idea. What had happened earlier in the morning made him uncomfortable. He shouldn't have allowed himself to get that close with such lustful intent. He registered the fact that him and Taehyung were seconds away from locking lips and shuddered at the idea.

The thought of cheating on Jungkook made him feel ill. He could never, he would never. He loves Jungkook with his whole being and same goes for Taehyung in a friendly way. He's been in love with Jungkook for so long and has never saw his friend in that manner before. It was even weirder to recall the moment. What would have happened if they kissed? Would he actually feel something?

And he contemplated what Taehyung must've felt in that situation too. Maybe he was just as disturbed as he was.

'ding'... as if on cue his notifications went off and he already knew who it would be. He opened his messages and saw that it was who he predicted it was.

"Speaking of the devil", Jimin muttered to himself and read the text.

TH: I'm boreddddddd
TH: In need of your company :(

JM: Entertain yourself. Play a board game

TH: Board games are only fun with more than one player ;)

JM: Then go watch a movie or binge a show

TH: Already tried and I got bored
TH: That's why I'm here now

JM: Then do some homework

TH: ...
TH: Gross
TH: Never suggest that again

Jimin chuckled to himself and bit his lower lip in thought. Jungkook is gone for the night, which does give him the chance to hang out with his friend freely. He hasn't been able to lately because of Jungkook's suspicions, but this time he wouldn't have to sneak out. And he shouldn't avoid his friend because of one incident that meant nothing to him. And from what it seemed, it didn't mean much to the younger either.

JM: You're lucky I'm free tonight. It's cold outside, so you have to come pick me up.

TH: Of course!
TH: It'll be a pleasure to do so, my prince ;)

Jimin smiled and shook his head, locking his phone, placing it on his desk. He stood up and went to go change his clothes. He knew he was going to be there for a while and decided to wear something more comfortable. He limped over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a loose, plain black, oversized hoodie that almost went down to his knees. It was Jungkook's and one of his favorite jackets of his. He wanted to wear it tonight to remind himself who he was with.

He hugged himself in it and smelled the faded scent of him. He smiled as he was reminded of the first time he received it out of a kind, cheesy romantic gesture. It was the typical cold outside, cute date night gesture. Jimin wasn't a fan of cliche romance, but Jungkook made him melt at it every time.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen as often nowadays. The last date he had with him ended up in a fight. He missed the dates where it would be just them in their own world, when the air was filled with love and warmth — currently it was the opposite. But he held hope, so much of it, that one day things will return to the way they were. If true love does prevail then so should his and Jungkook's.

— hey sun bunnies :)
— this chapter was changed too.
— vote and comment please if you can.
— much love, bye.

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