Part 1 - Acceptance

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So here it is ... the first chapter of 'Mending the Wretched'. Yes, it is long as usual. So take your time, read it, and don't forget to express your views.

La Fe Apartment, New York

Arnav parked his car in the allotted space in the basement and as a habit, his eyes went to the adjacent car. And unknowingly a small smile bloomed on his lips remembering the conversation he had with the owner of the car in the morning.


After avoiding her for more than one month sometimes unintentionally or sometimes deliberately and a lot of self debates and indirect insinuation from his cutie pie and of course a long conversation with their friends, yesterday night he had finally made up his mind to talk to Kathie. And as if the whole universe wanted it he was welcomed with her cheerful 'Good morning ASR' as soon as he stepped out of the apartment closing the door behind him to go to the hospital as she did the same. And his hungry eyes couldn't help but have a fill of the woman in front of him who is beautiful inside and out before, he mumbled with a small smile.

Arnav: Morning, Kathie ...

For which he got a beaming smile in return before they started to walk in tandem towards the elevator and she asked.

Khushi: By the way how have you been?

Arnav: The usual for the first two weeks but the last two were hectic with at least a surgery per day and two days it went up to three

Khushi: Oh yeah over the daily phone calls Rishu and Amy told me about it ... oh speaking of which, thank you so much for accommodating Rishu for almost a month ... I know how tough it might have been for you to handle him ... and if not for you I don't even know what would I have ...

Arnav: (Cutting her) ... oh come on Kathie ... stop it ... how many times will you say the same thing ... like I told you already it was nothing ... and handling him was as easy as breathing after handling Yara for sixteen years ... in fact, there wasn't anything to handle because Kevi is such a well-mannered kid ... the only thing I had to do was to ensure that Yara wasn't disturbing him

Khushi: (Rolling her eyes) ... oh please ASR ... you should never use well-mannered and him in a single sentence because we both know the truth ... and kid ... please ... he is going to be eighteen next year ... and about comparing him with Amy ... please don't insult her by comparing such a sweetheart with a nuisance like him ... and she disturbed him ... like seriously? ... She can never be a disturbance to anybody

Arnav: (Rolling his eyes) ... yeah right ... (Shaking his head) ... anyway leave that and tell me how your medical camp in India was? ... I guess it was a tight schedule

He added the last sentence in a tight voice seeing the sudden smile on her face as they entered the elevator because the thought that she was enjoying her days there and wasn't missing him while he had almost lost his marbles here didn't sit well with him. But Khushi didn't notice it at first and said.

Khushi: Not really ... I mean yeah it was in the daytime but at night ... wait ... (With a frown) ... was that a taunt ... (Glaring at him) ... if yes it doesn't look good coming from you ASR ... and you know the reason

Arnav: I told you I was busy

He said avoiding her eyes making her raise her eyebrows and ask in a mocking voice.

Khushi: So busy that you didn't even get time to give a proper reply to my texts ... (Rolling her eyes) ... right

Arnav: (Bewildered) ... what? ... I replied Kathie

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