Twisted Tristan's Tormented Christmas

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Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its spin-off series Angel, its dark horse comics continuation series, or any of the characters created by Joss Whedon and others in the Buffyverse.
15 years +, Mild to Strong Violence, Sexual References.
F/F, F/M, M/M, Other +

"Have yourself a merry little

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"Have yourself a merry little..." The voice on the television began to sing with a campy Christmas cheer before the song was abruptly ended by Tristan switching off the television in the living room of the apartment, he shared with Faith above their bar Rogue's.
"Christmas is cancelled this year; we are drinking straight through to New Year's." A drunken Tristan declared, while wearing just a pair of tight white boxer briefs as he held a half empty bottle of whisky in his hands, before crashing on to the nearby couch.
This year had been especially difficult for Tristan Summers, who had went from being a vampire who was possessed by a demon, to being killed, only to come back to life and find himself sucked into a twisted dimension where he and his parents Buffy and Angel worked together to kill the shadow demon that had once possessed him.
Being back from the dead should have been reason enough for Tristan to celebrate Christmas, however, despite many pleas from both of his infamous parents he continued to decline, even going as far as convincing Faith to head to Los Angels for Christmas so he would not have anybody to remind him come the day.
The earliest Christmases that Tristan could remember with his adoptive parents seemed like a perfect Christmas looking back which were probably heavily influenced by nostalgia and how much he missed them. Heck, even his Christmases spent with vampires Dante and Drusilla were fun for him, of course they were all crazy and there'd usually be humans on the table instead of turkey but it still felt like a family holiday, a deeply disturbed family, but family nonetheless and after so many losses, heartbreaks, and betrayals, Tristan was done with it all, especially Christmas.
After everything him, Buffy, and Angel had gone through to get to a place where their relationship was somewhat healthy, or at least healthier than Tristan trying to kill his biological parents, he did feel guilty for rejecting both of their invitations but he just did not feel ready to open himself up to another form of family, especially not on Christmas Day.

As the hours passed, Tristan waited until his bottle of whisky was completely empty before passing out drunk on the couch where he sat but sleep was not something he would get much of on the night of December 22nd as he suddenly found himself being awakened by his old high school friend Mandi Jenkins, startling him to his core, considering Mandi was killed by Drusilla not too long ago.
"Mandi," Tristan mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what stood before him. "How is this possible? Your dead...I saw your body myself after Dru killed you."
"I believe the correct answer would be it's the magic of Christmas, believe it or not that kind of thing really does exist but to be fair in a world filled with vampires, witches, slayers and sons of slayers is it really that far of a stretch that Christmas really is that special after all." Mandi replied to her old friend.
"Clearly, I am dreaming once again." Tristan realized, as he stood up from his couch. "There's only so many twisted dream scenarios one unhinged slayer can handle before he becomes completely and utterly tormented like..."
" were going to say Drusilla, right?" Mandi interrupted the slayer's son, instantly noticing his guilt over mention the name of her killer to her so casually. "It's okay Drusilla killed me, biggest surprise was it was not you who killed me...and I use the term loosely considering I am not actually Mandi."
"Are you the first? Please tell me you're the first and not the shadow demon because I am getting sick of going up against the shadow demon." Tristan complained.
"I am the ghost of Christmas past." Mandi revealed to him, only to be met by laughs of disbelief from Tristan.
"Are we really doing this?" Tristan asked in between laughs.

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