Why her?

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Skylar's POV
It's near the end of my first week of sophomore year and I decided to skate to school. On my way there I stopped to get some iced coffee because I didn't sleep much last night. When I go inside I go straight to the counter and order my drink, I don't have a lot of time before school starts so I can't mess around.
I finally get to school. I go to my locker and see my friend Michael waiting there for me. "Hey, what's new?" He asks me as I get my stuff. "Nothing much, I have to go to the office because principal Matthews wants to talk to me about something." I say as I put my skateboarding my locker. I shut my locker once I'm done with it. "Ok, well I'll see you in math class." "Yeah, bye!"

I rush to the office so I'm not late... again. This isn't exactly the first time I've been asked to go to the principal's office. Hopefully I'm not in trouble. I can't afford to get detention again, my parents would kill me. I open the door to the office.

"Principal Matthews, you wanted to see me?" "Yes, I do. I need to talk to you about something important. Please sit, I'm just waiting for one more person." "Ok, if you don't mind me asking, what did you want to talk to me about?" "Your grades." He want to talk about my grades. This can't possibly be good. I hear the door to his office open. I don't turn around because who ever it is, is probably here to end my entire school life. "Great, you're both here now." Principal Matthews says. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone sit in the chair next to me. I don't bother looking over to see who it is. "Now Skylar," he said, turning  his attention back to me, his smile vanished. "I told you I wanted to talk to you about your grades. This is because, last year you were failing two of your classes. Now you are failing another class." "What classes?" I say worriedly. "Math, English and history." Great I'm failing three of my classes, my mom is going to kill me. I think to myself. "I have asked Mia, to tutor you, so you can get your grades up. I have hope for you, Skylar." I glance at Mia in shock. "You can't be serious!" I exclaim. "Why Mia? Anyone but Mia please Mr. Matthews!" "Skylar I can promise you that Mia is the best person to tutor you." He says firmly. "Fine, can I go now?" He nods "Yes, you may."

I grab my stuff and rush out of his office, slamming the door. I walk quickly to my first period class which is math. Thankfully I wasn't late. I sit next to Michael in every class we have together. That's probably the reason I'm failing.

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