39 | instagram⇢ 3rd day of christmas

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sissy.cas.malfoy: The author of this story is a dumbass. Here's why: She made a list of things for the 12 days of Christmas thing, and proceeded to lose said list. Now she can't remember what the things on the list were, except for the last one! I know, what an idiot.

Anyways, day 3, which is really day 12. I had a really hard time puzzling out the whole story, since the people involved were very tight-lipped about what happened, so some pieces of the story might be missing. The photo above was taken on the night in question. It was last summer, and Dominique, Louis, Lysander, Roxanne, Lily, Coriander, Molly, and Grayson Trebek had all snuck out to meet up. They were drinking (even though most of them are/were underage), and altogether just letting loose and having a good time. Then there's a gap in my information that spans about an hour. All I know is, when that hour was over, Grayson was dead.

One the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three french hens, two turtles doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

[tagged: dominos, lou.w, lysandscamand, rox.y.weas, lilspott, cori.nott.ander, m.o.l.l.y]

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tre.libby: Grayson Trebek.

tre.libby: You're sure it was Grayson Trebek?

tre.libby: Completely sure?


      ▸lysandscamand: yeah, it was grayson trebek. 

      ▸tre.libby: Can you describe him? Describe him for me, please.

      ▸lysandscamand: tall, brown hair, blue eyes

victory.w: Narcissa, you should take this down.

      ▸sissy.cas.malfoy: why should i?

      ▸victory.w: The events of that night don't concern you. 

      ▸sissy.cas.malfoy: wait. what do you know?

      ▸victory.w: Drop it, Sissy.

alsevpot: hold up, what the fuck?


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tre.libby: Just found out that my baby brother is dead. Thanks for breaking the news over an Instagram post.


m.o.l.l.y has added dominos, lou.w, lysandscamand, rox.y.weas, lilspott, and cori.nott.ander to the chat

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we didn't know he was your brother.

and, uh...

you deserve to know the whole story, libby.


molly, we can't say anything!

we promised each other!


her brother is dead, lils.

she deserves to know.


we didn't even know he was dead.

he ran away two years ago.

and we hadn't heard from him.

i want to know.



We snuck out and met at Westvale park. Lysander and Roxy brought the booze, and Lily stole drugs from Albus's old stash.

We were parading around town, drinking and laughing and having a good time.

At this point it's around 1am, and that's when I blacked out. Can anyone continue?  


I can.

It's a bit fuzzy, but next I remember Grayson falling and hitting his head on the corner of a bench.

There was a lot of blood, and we were all panicking.

We couldn't call 911, we were high and drinking while underage.

We didn't have our wands.

I remember his eyes rolling back in his head, and I remember Dominique starting to scream.

I think I passed out then.


You did.

Roxy passed out, and Louis caught her and sent her down on the bench.

Cori was hyperventilating, but she managed to suggest calling Victoire.

So Victoire showed up and realized what'd happened.

And then she sent us all home and said she'd deal with it.


I didn't know who he was.

I called the police after they were gone, told them that I'd been on my way to the store when I found him like that. 

They believed me

He didn't have any ID on him.

We never talked about it again.



you lied to the police.


I would lie to anyone to protect my family.

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