Chapter 11: Change of Heart

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Takes place at the end of S3E2: The Cali KGB

Takes place at the end of S3E2: The Cali KGB

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After the morning that Eve had endured, the embassy's records room proved to be just the place for her to zone out and hide from the rest of the world until the workday was over.

Stoddard and Katie would never lower themselves to complete such menial tasks like refiling old reports. For the time being, Eve was safe from them and their plotting and lame attempts at starting a fake friendship with her.

Unfortunately, hiding from her problems wasn't new to Eve. When she was a young child, Eve would isolate herself in the quietest parts of her home when the stress that came along with her last name became too much for her to handle. Eve would hide out with her dolls and barbies long enough to get a few innocent nannies fired when no one (except for maybe her older brother Ben) could find her. But then as the years passed, she'd lose herself in a book for hours or create entire detailed worlds on paper to escape her circumstances.

Later, in her teenage years, Eve had been notorious for slaving over her ballet dancing until her feet bled and she collapsed on the floor from exhaustion. Whether it was her toys, her writing, or her dancing; it was all the same pathetic attempt to ignore her problems and stick her head in the sand.

Eve was self aware enough to hate that she still avoided her issues instead of facing them head on. But old habits die hard. She wouldn't be in Colombia if she'd outgrown that nasty habit now would she? As an adult, Eve found that it was a lot easier to successfully hide when you had a passport and no one to miss you.

Needless to say, discovering that her mother was attending an event at the embassy brought back all of those old feelings that Eve had hoped she would have outgrown by now. She hated that her mother knew her well enough to play her. Of course Eve would have avoided her mother if she had more time to pull off a successful diversion .

Elizabeth Capshaw was up to something; evident by the fact that she had enlisted Stoddard of all people to keep her impending visit a secret from her daughter. But why? Was her mother coming to check in on her or to send her home? Eve tried not to chew on her fingernails while she stressed about it.

On a good day, her children could flip a coin to see if they were going to get Lizzie Capshaw the loving mother of three or Elizabeth Capshaw cold blooded state department official who carried the balls of every man who had ever crossed her in her designer handbag.

Did Eve even want to go home? Sure, she had fought coming to Colombia like a petulant child having a temper tantrum. But that was before the dashing Javíer Peña had swooped in and turned her whole world upside down. Besides, there wasn't anything but a dusty old condo and a team of fair weather friends waiting for her in America.

At the very least, their mother daughter reunion would be in public. Eve could take some comfort in knowing that there was no way that her mother would make a scene and ruin her precious reputation....right?

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